Me again... | Arthritis Information


Is this normal? The RA thing is negative, right? I'ts not over 13.9? I tried to interpret this myself online, but it's kind of complicated...

RA Latex Turbid 8.7
Antinuclear Bodies Direct 31
Uric Acid 2.6
Sedimentation 1
C-reactive .4

I don't know much about blood tests....  but I'm sero-negative so I didn't pay much  attention to my levels of those tests.

I'm sure someone will give you the info you are looking for
Try     for some info.  I too am sero-negative for the RF but have a positive ANA-speckled pattern.
Take care
[QUOTE=lynnnriver]Is this normal? The RA thing is negative, right? I'ts not over 13.9? I tried to interpret this myself online, but it's kind of complicated...

RA Latex Turbid 8.7
Antinuclear Bodies Direct 31
Uric Acid 2.6
Sedimentation 1
C-reactive .4

I think labs have different reference ranges.  Normal range for my Rheumatoid Factor was less than 20.  My ANA was reported in titers, not units.  Did you get to see the lab report?  It should have listed the reference ranges.
Well, I have been researching online, and I think these labs are all normal. I am happy about that, but I just don't understand why most of my joints ache and sometimes burn and get weird, sharp, shooting pains, and I am so tired I can hardly get out of bed...and Aleve does not work, and I have to start substitute teaching again next week and I am hoping I will have the energy to do so. I have to do it...I'm a single mom and I'm the only one supporting us.  I don't know if I should bother seeing a special doctor and pay out of pocket with normal lab tests? Am I just getting older? I'm only 40...I'm not that old, am I? I feel silly bothering you people with this when you have real health problems that show up on tests. Thank you for "listening"...I am just perplexed and frustrated by this. [QUOTE=lynnnriver]Well, I have been researching online, and I think these labs are all normal. I am happy about that, but I just don't understand why most of my joints ache and sometimes burn and get weird, sharp, shooting pains, and I am so tired I can hardly get out of bed...and Aleve does not work, and I have to start substitute teaching again next week and I am hoping I will have the energy to do so. I have to do it...I'm a single mom and I'm the only one supporting us.  I don't know if I should bother seeing a special doctor and pay out of pocket with normal lab tests? Am I just getting older? I'm only 40...I'm not that old, am I? I feel silly bothering you people with this when you have real health problems that show up on tests. Thank you for "listening"...I am just perplexed and frustrated by this. [/QUOTE]

Been there, done that (except Aleve, in high doses, works well for me).  A combination of plaquenil and fish oil has brought me great relief - and for the occasional flare, I use Aleve and a Medrol dosepak.

Edit to add - I'm not a single mom... yikes - that's got to be rough!
JasmineRain2008-10-10 12:08:13How much Aleve do you take, if you don't mind me asking? I have been taking about 6 tablets a day...well, it's generic naproxin sodium...220mg tablets... It will be two years in January that I was dxd with sero-negative. All tests come back negative but my inflammation markers are high. I think it's harder when your dxd this way because there is still that uncertainty of do I have it or am I just crazy???

I have tried Plaq, MTX, Arava, and am now on Enbrel. Felling somewhat better as long as I'm taking my Pred. So maybe it's not working either. I wish you well and hope you find a cocktail that works for you soon.
[QUOTE=lynnnriver]How much Aleve do you take, if you don't mind me asking? I have been taking about 6 tablets a day...well, it's generic naproxin sodium...220mg tablets... [/QUOTE]

When I get a flare, I generally take 3 OTC naproxen (220mg naproxen sodium, generic) in the morning and 2 in the evening.  If I have to take it for more than a week or so, I take Prevacid too.
Sero-negative here... it makes it harder to be DX'd, but sounds like you have something.. don't give up getting help...
Are your joints really swollen?  That was how I was DX'd ...RD withdrew fluid and had that tested.
Obviously, you have something systemic happening...
Good luck to you ... Ihope you get a DX and help.
