OT - Paris for President | Arthritis Information


This one I posted before - hilarious!

The new ad -
A stripped down Palin for those who need a primer -
Palin in 4 minutes -
McCains roommates - 5 parts and hilarious
The Not So Presidential Debate -
The Ballad of Sarah Palin -
Barack Obama-sistible -
Michelle Obama - Magic?
Obama - Hillary Dance Off - old news but worth it
Why do you feel the need to post this garbage?Because 1) it's not garbage, it's funny.  And 2) because you people (and I use that term loosely) keep clogging up the board with your hate filled misrepresentations.  At least this was all in one thread.
Edited to add the e to one
Pip!2008-10-09 23:07:54Oh so it's misrepresentations when it's about Obamma but it's truths when it's about McCain?  LOL, what a crock.  Read it and weep.She probably posts this crap because she has nothing better to do with her day than google or snope nonsense and attack people on internet forums. What's the matter Pip? Real world too much for you? You should really get outside more and step away from the computer once in a while.

Have a nice day. Like yourself?
If you go to that site, there were very few about Obama.  I posted the non-hatefilled ones.  Same with McCain.  Only the funny ones, nothing that was vicious.  I love Obama and thought that JibJab one on the Unicorn hilarious. 
And for those wishing to vote and unhappy with the choices, they are free to register their protest by voting for Paris.  This is America, after all.
Pip, If you only knew how we talk about you in private messages...lol.  You're a joke.Gosh, I hope so!  That was the intent of this thread.  To inject humor on both sides of the question!
You didn't save face with that post.Wasn't trying to. 
God you Republicans are sooooooooo boring!!!!  Face it, no matter how much dirt you dump on him Obama will win.  If he doesnt then it is a fix just like it was when dumb ol George won the first time [/QUOTE]

Of course he'll win. Gosh are you kidding me? Of course he's going to win with all his money donated by terrorists, his ACORN voter fraud situation. I heard today that ACORN registered the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys. hahahaha.   It will be no surprise. Hey Honey, the bogeyman is coming to get you.And I"ll be sure to bend over so he can kiss my ass when he gets here!  Just keep believing your lies, yes, MCPain and Stalin are whats right for America and yes the spelling was intentional.I guess Pips head is still deep into her bag of chips tonight --too busy to respond.Thanks for the videos Pip, Loved them!!
I just love the creativity on each one of them.
Thanks Maimi!  I loved the 'Roommates' stuff the best. 
I finally got the chance to look at these.
Thanks Pip! Dalma-
I wonder what you like and/or dislike about the government of Croatia.  I would be interested to hear.

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