KIds in apartment, RA nodules | Arthritis Information


Well my baby and her baby are in with the fiance' and doing so well. Jarek is rolling over and has such a personality!

Now that events have calmed down I am seeking employment and also have to begin the followup on my lung and heart probs....put it off as long as I could. I have nodules/cysts growing in them an dthere is nothing the docs can do about it......thankyou RA.
Soooo I am getting rid of everything,  well nearly everything. I am keeping what I have used in the past 6 months and that is it. The purging is a wonderful feeling I must say and also talking with the kids and us deciding what they want and actually giving my ex husband quite a bit....shocks me as well! lol Never though I Would give him a darned thing....most is stuff that my duaghter has suggested sending on to him, she really does not have the room to store it and I doubt that they purchase a home any time soon.
I miss the country so much this time of year.AND MY DOG! It was always so peaceful and I had so much fun gathering up seeds and walking with the dog through the woods..........all that gone, it is sad, makes me sad to think about it. Wished things could have been different. But we grow and learn and if RA has taught me anything it has taught me that time is a gift, life is uncertain and scary and painful and just plain hard to get through some days. I am certain most of you would agree with that.
THank goodness for our children and grandchildren that brighten up the day and and give us a glimpse of the future that our own children will be experiencing.
Maybe it is time I take a brief vacation back home. Visit with friends and laugh and enjoy their company a bit before the cold winter sets in........This winter will not be all bad and quite  fun cause Jarek will be doing so much and will be sure to be crawling,and that is always  a joy!
jodejjr2008-10-11 11:09:20[QUOTE=jodejjr]
THank goodness for our children and grandchildren that brighten up the day and and give us a glimpse of the future that our own children will be experiencing.
I totally agree...  sounds like you have alot of good memories and some great times ahead!!
