MTX Question | Arthritis Information


I am considering starting MTX this week due to a mild flaring with the colder weather setting in. My rheumo has been wanting me to add it to my usual med ( Doxicycline and Plaquenil) and  for several years and I am caving.  I will have to drop the doxicycline.  

I am wondering if anyone has " changed" schedules once starting MTX? I am planning on starting it on Thursday night when I am not working , but if I did not feel bad on it after several weeks, stopping it for a week and the start it again on Tuesday night so I would have most of it out of my system for the week-end. I love my weekends and don't want to spend them with MTX hangovers.

I appreciate any suggestions you may have. You all are so knowledgable and helpful.

Needless to say, this decision has really been a hard one. My RA impacts my life enough and I sure don't want a medication doing the same!

I am newly diagnosed sinse july .  They put me on predisone 5 mg and mtx 4 pills a week and then a monthe later upped it to 6 pills it made me very nausous I just changed specialist cause I am getting worse  and my old rhuemy would not listen I get the traviling flare along with the constant pain in the fingers and toes On friday I saw the new guy he spent 45 min just talking to me and I go back wens for the phsical check he put me on plaqual and a few weeks ago my gp had upped my predisone to 15 mg and now this new guy says he is going to get me to inject the mtx works better and less side effects he said when you take it oraly it has to filter through your liver 2x so I will let you know how it goes....sorry about the spelling my shoulder is flaring.......TERESA

Good luck Teresa. I hope it will be easier on your stomach for you for the injections.

My rheumo has me on the injectable type, but told me to drink it with juice or water instead of injecting it.  I was surpirsed that you could do this as I have never heard of this before. I went and got the pharamcist to show me exactly how much I need to use, and she didn't question the method of useage.

I have had RA for 12 years so I may be too late to have the MTX work.  My rheumo saiod he did not think it was too late, but I do have a lot of damage that I wish I coudl have prevented by going on the MTX when I was first diagnosed.

The AP was good for me healthwise, but did not prevent damage.

Leslie1338655.8896875Why not start the MTX at a low dose, say 2 x 2,5mg and then gradually increase it over the weeks. I did this and had no side effects except the day BEFORE I take it I feel arthritic. I take mine on a Tuesday and have wonderful weekends. I know I need to up it again, thats the only problem.
Good LucK
Hip Hop


I've changed my schedule many times over the years. I used to take it Saturday night so I could veg out Sunday and not worry about side effects. Until you know how you will react I think its a good idea to take it when you aren't working or need to drive (I've run a few stop signs the day after).

If I do change my schedule I just start moving it back a day. So this week Thursday, next week Wednesday and so on till you get to where you want to be.

Personally I now take mine on Wednesday. Like you, I enjoy my weekends and if I do want to have a drink then I don't feel so guilty about it.

 I hope you'll be just as happy with it. Good Luck!!

I started out with 3 mtx a week andnever had any problems. Upted it to 4 now down to 2's a great medication


 Hi Leslie - Just to add that I was newly diagnosed in March and have been on MTHX for four months, my Rheumo has just upped it a little to five tablets a week (taken on a Saturday evening) - Can't say I have had any side affects to speak of and it does seem to help, I also take Plaquinel with it.   The sooner you go on it the better it seems to stop the progression of the disease, my doctor told me it was being controlled right now, but who knows when it may change. It has been great reading how other people have managed MTHX so the more info you can get the better.  It certainly helped me, last March I was terrified of the stuff.   Good luck. Gill

does anyone get severe nausea and diarehhea from mtx. inj. i take mine on friday night and im still sick on monday, i went to the rheumy on thurs, he said my tongue and throat were filled with sores  he switched me from folic acid to folonic acid 5 mg 12 hrs. after shot and another 24 hrs. after the shot has anyone ever heard of this. i am just getting so discusted my shoulder was so swollen he couldnt even give me another cortosone shot bec. it was only 4 weeks ago since my last one. then to top of things i sprained my ankle just by moving it on the couch,  it cracked causing a sprain, im ready to trade myself in for a new model. oh well enough of me complaining, i think i need to go back on some anti depressent maybe that will make me see things differently, and to end this discussion my hair is falling out terriably when i wash it my hands are covered in hair.