Ulcerative Colitis - mycobacteria linked, abx | Arthritis Information


Bacteria in Cows Milk may cause UC and abx is being tested to control the disease -  guess which one?

Edited to spell mycobacteria correctly
Pip!2008-10-13 07:44:19Pip,
Where does it say anything about ulcerative colitis I didn't see anything mentioned other than crohn's.  I find this interesting as my sister has crohn's and my brother has ulcerative colitis.  My other brother has pancreatitis.
My bad Reegie -
My niece has UC which they are discussing 'upgrading' to Chron's.  The family is freaked out because of the 'upgrading' issue.  Were told UC is one disease and Chron's another.  Her doc just said the severity is the difference. 
Anyway, I apparently filed it wrong - if you've seen my filing cabinet posts you know why.  Sorry.
When I'm doing the filing cabinet I keep an eye out for pancreatitis stuff.  I kept a lot of that as my hubby is diabetic. 
I'd think about researching probiotics for them.
I have no scientific backing to show for this opinion, but I think most auto-immune diseases (RA, Crohn's, MS, Asthma, etc) are way more closely related than is generally recognised.Yeah, me too.  well I am starting to believe that myself.  My dad has ra, mom has thyroid problems, sister has crohn's, one brother has ulcerative colitis, other brother has pancreatitis.  my closest friend and cousin has grave's disease and her brother also has crohn's.  More than just a coincidence I think!!I know a gal who had Crohn's and is in remission.  It went away.So is my cousins but the had to remove a
Too bad.  Karen was hospitalized, then took prednisone for 5 days or so and was able to go back to work nursing and spent time with friends.  She was determined to get her life back and maybe was lucky.  This was 10 years ago and is still O.K.
Oh, don't get me wrong, my cousin was only 13 when he had to have them removed and has been perfectly healthy ever since.  He recently got married and has a daughter.   I think the way I posted it sounded bad.  My sister has it pretty bad and has bouts every couple of weeks where she bleeds like crazy, no easy fix for her.  Not that having some of your intestines removed is any easy fix but he hasn't had any problems since.  My sister also has endometriosis so he gut is really hurting her.Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics!
Both my parents had thyroid problems, and my mother died of pancreatic cancer.  And I had acute severe pancreatitis attacks for years which Cleveland Clinic missed.Pip-
Yes, probiotics.

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