need an anti inflammatory | Arthritis Information


I used to take celebrex but stopped when Vioxx had its bad press.
Any ideas on what to take long term and at night.
Can I use Voltaren? I hear you can only take it in the short term.
Hip Hop


Hi Cathy,

It was sad days when they removed Vioxx and Bextra, ( Cox-2 inhibertors ) for me.

Because of that I was put on Azulfidine and it worked well for me but as time went on I needed something a little stronger and they added the Placquenil.  That  seemed to worked but as my RA progresses my RA doctor wants me on Enbrel, so I have been weened off the Azulfidine and I stopped the Placquenil on my own.  Many side effects with it and I can not say that it actually worked that well to keep using it.

Talk with your Rheumatologist about what there is for your personal needs and then look into all the information you can get on them to make the best choice for you.

I hope you get some answers soon.

Keep us posted.

Take care Cathy.




Cathy; I don't know what other medications you are on...but if you are on a DMARD treatment that works well for you; yo will not need the anti-inflamatories like you have in the past.

I take MTX & Humira and often tramodal for pain at night. During the day I will use advil (800mg) depending on the day and the signs of my symptoms.

Discuss DMARD treatments with your doctor if you have not already.

I agree that you need to discuss this with your doctor but i've been using
Voltaren for about 4 1/2 years now with no maybe it is one
you can add to your mix of meds. I'm also on Enbrel.

Good luck
Lisa Azulfidine, Plaquinal, Prednisone and in the last three months mTX. 7,5mg per week.
I cannot get off the Prednisone and it is the one thing that dictats how I feel.
So Long and thanks for the replies.

7.5mg of MTX did nothing for me.

I take 25mg and Humira as well. In my opinion this is a far better combination than continuous use of Predisone.
