It went well | Arthritis Information


So... Tuesday night... I FINALLY got fed up with my living room being in shambles! I cleaned it up, or more like straightened it up. It is not completely clean, but you can walk thru it now.

And best of all I had no problems while cleaning! Well... just a little after about 2 hours of working on getting things moved around and in boxes. But no uncontrollable legs shaking, no lower back muscle spasms and not much pain in my right hip.
I had, what my mom said was a muscle spasm, tighing of my back muscles from my lower back to the middle of my back about 2 hours into cleaning. Which is what made me stop cleaning when I did. I was afraid it was just going to get worse, and I end up falling or something. And hubby was asleep... so it would have been a pain in the bootay getting him awake if I did fall. SO... I just quit when I noticed something going on.
I did take breaks and sit down and all, so maybe that is why I did not have any of the problems I was afraid of having again. Or maybe it is because I do not have inflammation on my spine, which is what neurologist said what was helping to cause my problems listed above. Maybe he is on to something?!
I am hoping to talk myself into cleaning my bedroom soon. I just need to talk myself into doing it or just get fed up with looking at it LOL!!
My rip hip is a little sore from all the bending over I done while cleaning the living room.
I just want to know... why does everything have to be in the floor? I mean it would save me a LOT of bending over if everything would not end up in the floor!
