Great Physical Therapy appointments!! | Arthritis Information


We're working on maintaining and gaining ROM in wrists.  Shoulder pain comes and goes.. but PT has me working on strengthening my "core" upper boddy.... Slowly and without much exertion... She said all things are connected and to prevent hand/finger disfigurement we need to address from the spine to the shoulders to the wrists to the fingers....

We do some exercises that start with stretching between shoulders, then pinching back "wings" toward each other while raising arms..
we do mostly stretches for wrists and finger nimble exercises as well as strengthening and usage exercises..
but the best part is the beginning .. and the paraffin bath and heating pads.....  that feels so devine!!!
NO talk about braces of any kind except what I have..
She even said when doing gardening (which I complained I cannot do for long at all) she said wear the braces... put rubber gloves over top for grip!! and protection..
I am feeling better as far as ROM.. though not much for the right wrists which is my main complaint.
Glad the PT is going well.  I have had some great help from PT for the OA in my neck.  THey are great people!!!!babs - great news.  I have been considering asking for more OT/PT for upper body strength in addition to the fingers, wrists, arm exercises.  I do them in the car on my way to work each morning LOL.  Here I am at the traffic lighting, pumping 2lbs.  :)  Babs,
Don't you just love PT...I'm spending a lot of time working on my hip abductor muscles and  quads.  They are feeling much better and like you, I'm very fond of the heating pads you're doing good, JSNM if you're pumping weights!!  I haven't even gotten that far!! woohoo!!
I need SO much work after these last inactive 18 plus months... I'm a mess!
Lynn! Before I was DX'd I was going to PT for my peripheral neuropathy and my spine issues... and I had a quad that was so tight and pinned to my hip it was so tight.. we were just getting it to the point where it was relaxing (we discussed it and came to the conclusion that my brace as a child for JRA may have caused this m uscle to get that way since it was the main one used to move my leg!!  ) just relaxed enough where it didn't hurt anymore when she used the tens machine on it!  it was (probably is) still very bad.
I wonder how much we can do for ourselves.. not hurting our joints... but what a PT would do for us.. and not have to go to the PT office... I hate the time spent going but love the results..  so, I'm thinking that between my sister-in-law who is going for her masters in PT and books.. maybe I can work on my legs again as the PT is working my shoulders, arms, wrists and fingers...
I feel like a blob!!!  and I could spend 24/7 in the PT center and still not work on everything I have issue with!!!  UGH.
I'm getting a tens machine because of my ongoing hip problem.   I love PT and the massages..well, I just have say they are worth their weight in gold! 
I worked w/ PT and OT for 3 months.  They helped so much!  And they were so much nicer than the doctors.  BUT I have not kept up with my exercises after being released....
Good for you to keep your joints in order.  I'm horrible, I know I should do some exercises, but I feel too pooped at the end of the day.  That may be a sign that I definitely need to get moving more.    I better get motivated now before it's too late. 