Uncomfortable feet | Arthritis Information


Although  they don't appear visibly swollen, my feet are bothering me.  I have the tingly burning sensations going on.  Its very hard to describe what I'm feeling.  It seems that my feet are changing -  I recently bought a pair of Skechters which I loved at first - 1 1/2 month ago - still wear them.  But my toes slip foward walking downhill and it almost feels as if  they get cold and go numb?  Its mostly the little toes that have the erosions that I feel, there are sharp pains from them if I hit them just right.  Walking uphill is better.  I was standing in the neighbors garage and had to keep shifting my weight one foot to the other.  I walk, do the eliptical, low-high impact areobics.   They are the best when I'm sleeping.  I have been on MTX for 12 weeks- 4 weeks at 10mg and 8 wks at 20mg and everything else is better but the feet - they seem more uncomfortable  than when I was DX 3 months ago?  The thought of going shoe store to shoe store and spending  $$$ I don't have over helms me.   Is the MTX not working?  My DH is big on inserts but I don't have a clue what I need to be looking for?  I see my RD next week hopefully he'll know what I'm talking about with some ideas?Bonnie

if your feet are slipping forward into the toes of your shoes then the shoes don't fit your feet correctly.  Shoes are worth spending the dollars on to get a really good pair.  Each person responds differently to different brands of shoes so I'm not going to recommend a specific brand.  Just make sure you get your feet measured ( i found running shoe stores do the best job of this), wear the correct size with the proper socks, and make sure the shoes have padding in them.  Slip on shoes aren't a real good idea for people with feet problems.  They may feel good but they don't support the ankles and require the toes to do the gripping
Have your rheumatologist refer you to a podiatrist who can look at your feet and build the proper orthotics if you need them

I have found wearing inserts have really helped me,I wear powersteps they are about 25 dollars.my feet have always been a problem,they are not completely pain free,but feel so much better. hope you can find some relief
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