Weakness in forearms | Arthritis Information


Sometimes I wonder about having that disease where you muscles get all weak...can't think of the name now...saw it on Mystery Dx before I was dx!  Poly something.

Anyway, in the summer of 07 I was SO tired (but not anemic) and having trouble going up stairs but I had just given birth and all my bloodwork was fine so it was ignored.  But I felt like I lost muscle mass in my thighs.
So my forearms are starting to do the same thing.  About 3 weeks ago, I carried my 20 lb son up a HUGE hill about 2 blocks long to go to this dog disk event.  It wasn't smart and my wrists hurt the next day but my arms were strong enough to do it.  A few weeks later, I am going through this spell where my forearms are just weak.  I can't carry either kid for too long.  And I know it's not like I lost muscle, I did so well that day.  I don't know if an RA flare would do that--it's not like my tendons are hurting (they do sometimes) but just weakness. 
I know RD is worried about fibro.  But the only fibro tender spot I've had in the past is my upper back/shoulders, and I've been that way for a while (even at the appointment where he thought I had some connective tissue disease, he tested the spots, noted that one, but said if that was just it, probably not.)
My symptoms aren't ever really PAIN unless I'm using the joint (except that awful burning...and it's so gross, the place I have that weird burning is where they found the erosions).  So I'm not really suspicious of fibro.  I think he's going to keep that in mind if I go to Vandy or at my follow ups with him. 
Are forearms ever involved in fibro?  It's more weakness than anything.
And what i forgot to put in my other post is that I've had raynauds since i was like 10, and the weather is already starting to affect my hands.  What is weird about my raynauds (which has only been dx by observation and b/c my mom and her dad had it) is that i never really get that blue color.  I guess when I'm skiing maybe.  It doesn't get too terrible cold here.  My main symptom is just that my hands (and especially fingers of course) get white as a sheet and stay that way (but not blue).  But I have a friend with raynauds and I saw her fingertip and it was like, that's not quite like what i have.  I think she just had the age related (young female in 20s) brand of raynauds that goes away with age.  Anyway I am wondering how all of this will play out.
I've had the same weakness in my arms before.  It had lasted a good 6 months or so, but I haven't been bothered with it lately.  No answers for you since I don't know anything about fibro...but just wanted to let you know I've had the same thing.
I have raynauds as well.  My finger tips turn white then later go purplish/red.
have you had any thyroid labs run?
I have.  I have gone into the doctor where they are really suspicious of thyroid problems based on my physical symptoms (this was pre-RA).  Also postpartum I guess, with the weakness my GP was almost certain I might be having some postpartum thyroid problem and anemia.  That is, until he got my bloodwork back and it was high (I guess I was on the hyper side) and not anemic.  And I've had the full panel run a couple of times before because I struggled with "chronic fatigue" in my 20s.  I look like I'd have a thyroid issue but then it's always been fine.  My dad is on synthroid though.  I saw where there's that one you can get postpartum where you swing up and down.go over the the about.com thyroid pages http://thyroid.about.com/
and go into the forum...post your thyroid lab results...lets see what they say.  The posters there are pretty savy when it coms to lab resultsI have weakness in my thigh muscles. I'm not sure why. They don't look taut like they used to either. Prednisone use?
I've never understood the whole weakness/RA link. Sometimes my hands are very weak. During onset even a tissue felt like 1000 pounds. Why?
So frustrating!  I have been trying to find a good book with lots of info about RA. I have a couple that have some good info and a lot of good stuff about coping mechanism, lifestyle, drug info.  But I want one that explains more. I think I'm finally starting to understand how it works, with the T cells and B cells and pannus and stuff.  Oh, and thanks for the thyroid info!  I need to get all that data from my PCP.  Although at the time I was postpartum and breastfeeding.  I think I had it run before between pregnancies too, so I'll have to get a hold of that.  if you havent had them run since right after you delivered I would get them done again
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