new with ra | Arthritis Information




Good Sunday Morning PAMA,

I haven't used any natural supplements, as of yet.  I think there is place for them along side of regular drug therapies but not knowing how they re-act with these drugs therapies, sometimes, it is best not to intermix them with out proper guidance.  What type of drugs are you using for your RA?

From what I have read Carpal Tunnel has been associated with RA hand surgeries.  Have you had this type of surgery?

RA is to complicated for us to "just figure out".  Like most things in life there are a lot of variances that take place even in the most simplest of microbes, bacteria and viruses.  All of which may be associated with RA and Auto-immune diseases.  I put a link in this post on natural supplements for Arthritis.

Anytime that you are suffering tingling in arms,hands, a very good reason to seek medical advice.  I have entered a link below that you may find helpful.

Having to deal with any disease is asking a lot of any one person but sometimes it is better to say "ok, so I have this", "Now what can I do to help ME?"

RA is a depressing type of disease, it can and will depress you if you let it become more important than yourself.  I know that it is sometimes very hard to keep going and keep the chin up attitude but I have found that is what helps me the most.  It keeps me in charge of me, not RA in charge of me.

I hope that you are in better spirits and that you are feeling better.

Take care of yourself,




Toni....I love reading your post; you always have such great advice and wisdom to share....especially with our newbies. What would we do without you??

Pama~If I haven't welcomed you yet...Welcome to AI.

I agree with Toni 100%. If your carprel tunnel was casued by RA I'd say it's aggressive enough to cause other problems as well. I'm not sure I'd trust my future to supplements. Definately do some research and know your options. Hopefully you've found a good RD that you like and trust and he/she can advise you in what's the best options for you.

I'd also like to agree with Toni that a positive attitude has gotten me through the worst of this disease and it's always our best weapon. Try not to let it get ya down....that makes everything so much worse.

Best of Luck!!



There is no way to have a positive attitude when it feels like someone is taking each one of your toes and twisting it around 3 times, and like your bones have sharp edges on the bottom of your feet, and your fingers loose their fingerprints because they are so bloated out, you can't open the bathroom door because your wrist hurts so bad and it feels like you aren't going to ever get better. At that point the only thing I had was desperation. A drive to try to "figure it out" beyond all drives I have ever had in my entire life. Let's hope no one ever stops trying to "figure this out"!!!

New Girl....I don't know you or your situation but it does sound as if you need help.

We've all been at your stage early on but with proper treatment things will begin to improve to a point where you will be able to see light at the end of the tunnel and your entire world will not look quite so bleek. To say hang in there to you would obviously be useless right now as I can tell it's about the last thing you want to hear.

Maybe you can tell us a little more about yourself, your situation....and your current treatment plan. This support group has been a life saver for so many here. I hope that you too will find it useful as you struggle to manage with a disease that at times seems so unmanagable.

Welcome NewGirl....I hope you'll stick around....and I hope things begin to look up for you soon.


Yes, I developed carpal tunnel from the RA.  It was terrible.  Had surgery on one hand.  But once the meds started kicking in, it went away in the other hand

Hi, I am sorry, I did not mean to offend anyone. But when I was in terrible pain, the RA was really attacking me at first, it was impossible to have a good attitude. But then again I was a single mother and had to suddenly rely on my oldest child to do so much of the work with the youngest. I had to quit a class at college, quit one of my part time jobs, and struggle, struggle, struggle. Seriously, the pain made me cry and get more depressed. I didn't think the doctor cared and I was all alone. Now I am just working on things myself until I can get in to the Rhuematologist(not until January). I have found help for myself and am carefully working on it but I still have pain, it's just not as bad as before. So everyone is different, I just know how bad it is when the pain is excrutiating because I was so recently there.

And I really hope someone figures this disease out soon so it will get wiped off the face of the earth!!

I've had it for many years now and I still have pain. It's far more managable with the proper treatment....but it is never totally gone. That's typical for RA.

Hopefully once you see the new doctor in January things will brighten up for you.

Sure hope so;



Good Morning newragirl,

I am so glad to hear that you are in better spirits.

NO apologizes needed here... We know what you are feeling and believe me we have said and felt the same as you...RA is not a nice disease...THAT is the bottom line.  But sometimes you need to let it go and try some calming methods because the stress of constant pain/ discomfort, plays on the emotions the emotions play on the body, the body slows down and RA wins this round...ERGO, more pain/discomfort and much depression. It becomes a vicious circle.  With RA we never know what to expect, we just need to know how to deal with it when it becomes more and more active.   So slow down, take in a few deep breaths to help you regroup and use your pain meds as often as they have been prescribed. (unless you are addicted to drugs or alcohol) you shouldn't worry to much about getting addicted to the pain meds.

As for your older daughter having to step in for you.  It happens.  Just keep letting her know how much you appreciate her and her thoughtfulness and that part of the problem should ease off.  When you are better able to take back the task that she is doing.  Take her out to lunch, just to 2 of you and have a wonderful mother-daughter day.  Classes can be made up at a later date, when you are feeling up to it...Working 2 part time jobs, when it provides for your family, is another matter and I think this is where you may want to see if you can get some help with that.  Not knowing your circumstances or where you live, I am not sure where I can look for some help for you.

I hope that you continue to feel better and that your situation improves dramatically.  Please keeps us posted as to how you are doing.  You are a family member here and we like to keep in contact with our family.




Hello newragirl, I too know what you're talking about when you were the depression.  I found out 3 yrs ago that I have RA, I am single and live alone so my mom had to help me get dressed just to go to the DR.  I thought my life was over at 35 because I didn't know what to expect; as-soon-as they got the pain under control I went to a GNC and ask them if they had anything for RA and they gave me FISH BODY OIL, VIT E OIL & BORAGE OIL and it helps ALOT, my Dr. told me to keep it up.  I don't take any other med but I have read up on it and it shouldn't hurt to take it with med.  I have not had another flare-up since then but when I skipped it for a few days I felt the soreness coming back - it doesn't get rid of RA but it sure helps the pain - it's a lot cheaper than med and has no side effects.  Life does get better!