OT - new stimulus package | Arthritis Information


There was something on the LA Times about the new stimulus package but now it's gone.  The NYTimes just sent out an alert.

Anybody know anything about this?  We're not talking about another 00 when we can't afford health care, are we?  Who is floating this?  And how the hell are we going to pay for this. 
This had better not be those darn fiscally irresponsible Republicans again.
PS - what did you do with the last one?  Anybody go out and buy a big screen TV?  We paid bills.
Edited to use correct word of 'package' not 'times'.
Pip!2008-10-20 13:31:30http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27277381/Yeah I ran right out and got a big screen.  Just kidding, I paid bills too.  i didn't get one.we saved ours .. we are the most unstimulating americans 
Bernanke stated today that he is behind the stimulus ...
IF nothing else.. it is hoping, IMO, to give Americans back some comfort to have something to do something with. 
It's a glad hand gesture...

Didn't buy anything, put it in savings.  Like Babs, we're unstimulating Americans.  Lindy

i had to buy a new air conditioner and dishwasher so I did my part in stimulating the economyI think most americans paid down bills with it. that is part of the reason it did not work. and now many americans are in worse shape than they were a few months ago. it will be interesting to see how bad sales are down this holiday season. i think americans are hanging on to their money right now. can't blame us i guess. i know i am. Actually, I'm hanging on to my money.  OMG, can't believe I just wrote that, that's sooo not me.   We have no plans on making large purchases, unless there's an emergency like a broken air conditioner, etc.   The government is going to have to come up with something other than a stimulus package.  Seems like many people aren't making large purchases or spending extra money that they're receiving.  "This had better not be those darn fiscally irresponsible Republicans again."
Is that comment even nessesary on this subject? Can't there be a discussion on a subject that effects us all without doing that?
[QUOTE=Pip!]There was something on the LA Times about the new stimulus package but now it's gone.  The NYTimes just sent out an alert.
Anybody know anything about this?  We're not talking about another 00 when we can't afford health care, are we?  Who is floating this?  And how the hell are we going to pay for this. 
This had better not be those darn fiscally irresponsible Republicans again.
Actually, it looks like the democrats  are pushing for a 2nd one.  
We put our check in the bank, didn't go out and buy any big treat with it.
Want to really stimulate the economy?  Give everyone 150K, not 1500. want some salt to flavor those words, Pip!! ??? 
I'm interested in this part since Bernanke is a student of the Great Depression. 
As part of that package, Democrats want to resurrect a billion House-passed measure that included about billion in public works spending, billion to extend jobless benefits, billion to help states to pay their Medicaid bills and billion in food stamp assistance for the poor.
The WPA was the reason we got out of the last Depression.
[QUOTE=Joe M] Want to really stimulate the economy?  Give everyone 150K, not 1500.

It is interesting to know if that 700 billion bailout had gone to the 200 million working people here in the Us, instead of the businesses, if that would have done more for the economy. I'll have to figure out how much that would be per person. For those interested in the WPA - here are some links.  I think we really need something like this because 1) many of our jobs (blue and white) have been outsourced and 2) this last boom was the longest expansionist time in history were we didn't expand or build needed infrastructure.  As a matter of fact, most of our failing sewer systems were built originally as a WPA project.
ww2 is why  the great depression ended.  WPA and other work programs may have alleviated some of the problems but unemployment was still in double digits until the wartime industries kicked on with the onset of our entry into the warActually, I believe that too!  I just think the WPA gave a lot of people work.
[QUOTE=Joe M]Want to really stimulate the economy?  Give everyone 150K, not 1500. [/QUOTE] Amen to that, I could get out of debt, pay off my car and house with that amt. Then use the rest to stimulate the economy...
did anyone get the email about the money being used to bail out the financials... and if they split that money up between every person who is 18 and older who works and pays taxes... that we'd get 0Gs each......  UM that would solve ALL my personal financial issues... how bout you?
(Note: I did not do the math
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