i'm all moved in, did you miss me? | Arthritis Information


It's scary being on my own and not being able to work. It seems I do not qualify for any assistance programs, except maybe SSI, but that could take 4 mo. to hear back. They don't take into account how much I pay out of pocket for my many doctors, and now for my counselor, as well. I'm trying to take it one day at a time...

As Lisa said, we are here so talk to us if things weigh you down. I wish I lived nearby, Id be around at your door with a housewarming pressie and a bottle of vino if your meds allowed!!

where DO you live in the states?  you can PM me if you dont' want to share on the board.. Am I near you? in PA?

I'm glad you made this step owie... I think it's really important to your health.

don't hesitate to come here to vent or get support.

Sending prayers your way, what you're doing is a good thing from which good things will come!

babs, I live in the Pacific Northwest. It's already freezing cold. Well, not really freezing, but close. It was 39 degrees and foggy when I dropped son off at the ferry to go to school at 5:30, ugh.
For those of you in need of a laugh... I get up at 5:15 wearing a flannel Winnie the Pooh onsie (no feeties in this one) and I throw on an XL (I wear a size xs) cotton candy pink fleece sweat pants and sweatshirt over the top of my jammies and add slippers. Off we go. I am as fluffy wide as I am tall. Heaven  forbid I get into an accident, lol. My son doesn't say a word because it is pitch black outside...
Good luck and best wishes for the new life you are building!I love the sound of the outfit.....Deb,
I have been thinking about you a lot- good to hear from you! You are very brave! Hang tough- you're going to be alright.
How is the ex handling this new arrangement. He's not bothering you is he?
If you ever need to talk things out please PM me- I'm here for you.

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