Polymyalgia rheumatica And Cymbalta? | Arthritis Information


So the Dr diagnosed me with Polymyalgia rheumatica   and said I was at risk for developing  RA. He put me on Cymbalta and I am still on steroids for another month. Anyone have a clue what this is. I am looking it up on google, but am still confused as to whether this is a correct diagnosis as I do not have all the symptoms.

He also said that if I am not feeling better by January that he might put me on Methotrexate or Plaquanil.

Also anyone on Cymbalta? Did it help? Side effects? I just don't see how an antidepressant could help me since I am not depressed.

I am even more confused with this diagnosis as my pain is not in my muscles, but in my joints... I am also only 29 years old and this seems like a disease of old age. I also have no pain in my hips, but do have pain in my neck, shoulders, knees, wrists ankles, fingers and toes. Not saying I don't think I have it, just that is seems like a weird diagnosis. I don't go back until December. If I have any MRI or other diagnostics I'd like for them to be done before Jan. when my insurance deductable restarts. Should I ask my PCP for the tests. I asked today and he said he wanted to see if the Cymbalta worked first.  I would ask your PCP.  I googled it too and I have read your posts before.  It sounds like your pain is in the joints not the muscles. Fingers and toes should be a big clue.  I don't know anything about Cymbalta.  I was given an antidepressant that had a different function at a lower dose and was suppose to help with pain so I could sleep better.  can you see another Dr?  sounds like he's missing the boat by your descriptions.My RD added cymbalta last week for nerve pain.  Hasn't made a dfference yet but he said to give it a few weeks.  It does make my stomach queasy....Yeah he said it might make me queasy. I just got the scrip today probably won't be able to fill it until  this weekend.

I take it and my dr said it will help with the pain and I have found it does. I don't have nerve damage or whatever your disease is called???? It didn't seem to help at 60mg so dr upped it to 90mg. It doesn't make me queasy but it does make me sleepy.Hi Jennmommi!  I don't know if your diagnosis is correct, but I can tell you about my experience.  I was diagnosed at the age of 43 with PMR.  I did not have any muscle pain.  I had joint pain, swelling in my feet, ankles, knees, wrists, and fingers.  I was retaining about 10 pounds of fluid.   I felt that my shoulders/neck, and hips (joints & muscles) were good in those areas.  Twenty mg of prednisone made a huge difference.  Within a week I lost the 10 pounds of extra fluid.  I recently got down to 5 mg of prednisone but had to go back up to 7mg.  The inflammation/swellling in my wrists,fingers, and feet have gotten worse (knees too).  It wasn't until after 8 months and down to 5 mg of prednisone that I have finally felt the diagnosis was right.  I go back to see my rummy in 5 more weeks.  He may try me on Plaquinel to see if that helps my hands.  I wish you luck.  I know most people are much older with this, but you will find others that are younger.  (Although you seem to be very young.)  Good luck.

Thanks, he only put me on 30 mg I wonder if that will work?

How frustrating to get a DX but then feel it may be off the mark.... I don't know anything about  PRA.

If you don't feel comfortable with the DX press on for another opinion.

Hope you can get to the bottom of this- best of luck!
edited because I forgot the well wishes
wanttobeRAfree2008-10-23 10:29:46
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