OT--Thyroid | Arthritis Information


So in addition to being run down, I now feel like I am being choked.  I thought it was my lymph nodes so I went to a walk in clinic but only had a fever of 99.1 (maybe it's always that) and was strep negative.  The guy was convinced I have whatever viral thing is going around town despite the fact that I don't have a sore throat, congestion, or cough.  He was like "I am going to give you magic mouthwash" and I'm like "uh I don't have a sore throat and you are not listening".

Seriously shouldn't have gone there. I was thinking it was viral and I could maybe get a steroid shot so I could freaking work tomorrow (because i Have to) so I went to the walk in, what a mistake.  Only out I guess.  (In any event I have a laptop and remote access so my plan is to sit in my recliner and work tonight, get lots of sleep, and work from home tomorrow.  Yay for technology.)
I just sound gravely all the time so people always think that is an issue but that's just how I sound.  Seriously, no more walk in doctors!  I was worried and couldn't breathe felt like my neck is tiny and i can't get air (but my lungs are fine).  Dude didn't even feel my throat and i was just thinking, if I am going to have to ask you to do that, I am going to ask another doctor about it!  I have to go get bloodwork tomorrow or Friday at RD but I am going to try to go to GP too.  Seriously I was trying to get this out of the way, I was thinking it was viral but now when I got home I started feeling around my thyroid and that is what hurts/is so uncomfortable. Especially after everyone's comments about possible thyroid issues--thanks for those. I feel like I have on a really tight turtleneck.
And yay my left hand/wrist are now starting to flare badly for the first time ever, just like my right hand started. 
So now I am googling and just tired and don't want to deal with more doctors appointments. 
Oh and I asked the guy "would methotrexate make me run lower fevers or higher fevers" because I am still confused about that and he totally dodged the question, I'm not sure he knew....

Holy cow, this is the same feeling I have only it's from my being on a high dose of pred for the last few months!  Right where my neck meets my torso there is a big swollen lump that gives me the feeling of something being stuck in my throat.  I don't have a fever with this though like you do.   When you lay down to try and sleep does it get worse?   I also have the "turtleneck" thing happening.  It makes it feel like when I try and turn my head the skin is stretched to the point of tearing.  Very uncomfortable.  That's the first place I went when I felt that lump was....dang pred is nuking my thyroid gland now too...as if the adrenals weren't enough.

Hang in there and make a pain in the arse of yourself until someone listens to you about what's going on.
Bob H.

Thanks for the encouragement.  I am getting complacent, thinking, I am on enough prescription drugs for now.  But it does feel like choking.  Mine was worst right after lunch.  I don't know if my fever has anything to do with anything.  My body is fond of measuring 99.1 about every time I am at the doctor!

Both of you should make appointments with your GP's right away and ask for a thyroid scan, and/or ultrasound,  as well as getting a blood test to have your thyroid levels checked out. There was actually one thing I didn't mention.  Whenever my temp. is taken it's always below normal.  Like 97.9 or something like that.  I saw my GP yesterday because I thought I might be getting another sinus infection.  I told him about it and even pointed it out...he didn't seem too concerned with it.  

If it's not 99.1, mine runs 97.1 a lot.

Also, I have gone through another hair-shedding phase recently.  Could be stress or the MTX.  I had one in 07 postpartum, then again in February, pre-mtx--probably stress?  Anyway my hair is all sorts of lengths, I constantly have baby hairs growing in.  I can't remember if thyroid has anything to do with that.  My dad takes synthroid but doesn't understand a thing about why.  Not very helpful to me!!  He doesn't want to think he "gave" anything to me. 
Hi Katie.
I get the same sensation, but it's not from my thyroid.. I think it's my swollen parotids.... From Sjogrens.... They are enlarged and feel like a lump.  When I lay down, I feel like they are sitting on my windpipe.  Not cool, so I sleep w/two pillows. 
KatieG, Have you noticed any change in your Eyebrows ? Thinning, getting shorter ?? A good Dr can stand behind you and ck your thyroid out. As you know it's pretty common for us with an AI issue to develop more then one issue. A thyroid blood panel is a good start. I would sugest a Endo DR to be sure......Thanks babs.  I was thinking about that too.  But this is right in the middle of my throat, not to the sides, really, so I'm a bit confused.
My eyebrows aren't really thinning but...I schedule with a nurse practitioner at 3 pm today and i am going to grill her and she is new and usually pretty open to questions.  I still feel like crap so I think I may have thyroid issues plus I do have some sort of viral something that is just making me feel yucky. I hate to go to the dr 2 days in a row but I feel awful and I just know that if I wait until next week something will change.  Strike while it's hot, I guess..
My dad's only dx besides GERD is "empty sella syndrome". If you want to read about a rare disease, read up on that.  And not only is he not a middle aged african american, he is not obese and doesn't have high blood pressure (all of these usually correlate).  But he has issues with his thyroid and adrenals (maybe other things) all related to this?  But I know I don't have an empty sella because I had an MRI when I had a tia-like incident last year.  I am guessing that his thyroid condition is linked to empty sella, I dunno.  He goes to the doctor religiously but just sort of does what they say to do and isn't really interested in the details, and is convinced that whatever he has isn't related (which would make sense if it is all empty sella related).  He's had sinus surgeries a decade or so ago and I"m not sure if they linked it with that or anything. 
All of which to say is that his opinion (and that of other docs in town) is that there isn't a really good endo in town.  But he can be picky (and had a supposedly world class doctor in DC get his prednisone dosage messed up BIG TIME).  I have google-diagnosed myself with subacute thyroiditis.  Not to fear, I went to the doctor too.  Nurse practitioner, actually.  She ran a thyroid panel and scheduled an ultrasound for Monday morning.  I have all the symptoms.  Had something low-grade I couldn't shake recently, but I'm on MTX, so maybe it spread to thyroid.  Symptoms came on fast yesterday, thyroid is very tender.  Exhausted.  Weak.  Want to be in bed.  But that wouldn't explain symptoms from a few weeks ago, so we shall see.  Thanks for everyone's input & support!KatieG.....Well maybe it's a good thing so you can be treated properly
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