Cleveland Clinic / New | Arthritis Information



I am newly diagnosed. Finally went to a rhemuy Wednesday and bam diagnosed in first visit.I feel I have had RA for almost 2 years. Been very painful. I go to a great Doc at the Cleveland Clinic. You just can't go wrong in Cleveland. I been poking around the boards and gleening info from some of the post. I am curious to hear any tips for getting out of bed in morning. I have to "pee"
Thanks for reading,
I also Take vicodin and Ibprofin 800 both for pain.Get up slowly, use a cane if needed.  I find a warm shower first thing in the morning helps with the stiffness.  Hope you get some help from the Plaquenil.  It's been good to me for the past several years.


there's no easy way. I drop my feet over the side of the bed and kinda sit there for a few minutes. Then I get up on my feet while holding on to the dresser and leaning against the bed. I sort of hug the walls all the way into the bathroom and very ungraciously flop on to the john. Those steps are the most challenging of the day -- and when the cats see me coming, they run in terror.

It is pretty hard, but I lay in bed a moment and just start moving my joints a bit to get them loosened up a little before trying to get up. It doesn't get easier, but you do adjust to it eventually.
That is almost exactly the way I do it!!! Except I have no cats to scare, just my husband. Hes so afraid I'm gonna fall one day trying to get up out of bed.Lol..If it didn't hurt so darn much...I would consider it a comedy show. I oooo and owwwey all the way to the john. It is the most painful steps of the day. I feel as if  my feet could break. Then navigating the toilet paper...well that is another story I wont recite. Thanks all for answers.I keep a walker placed so that when I do raise up out of my bed I am able to use it for support and hold on until I have things under control.  I also try to take my pain med about an hour or two prior to getting up.
Take care
OOFA- I feel for you guys! I haven't been like that in the AM since onset. My feet felt like they were broken and I had to get up the nerve to even attempt the first step. It only lasted 2 months- I can't imagine if it never went away!
I hope it goes away for you too!
hi! i am in geauga cty. i see my ra doc in solon, he is awesome!!! Hey wanttobeRAfree you said you havent had the morning stiffness and pain since onset? I am truly jealous. What treatment are you on? Do you feel your treatment helped this particular symptom? Or has your RA been in remmission? maybe I should start another thread. I have a lot of questions. Thanks for responding everyone.
[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]Lol..If it didn't hurt so darn much...I would consider it a comedy show. I oooo and owwwey all the way to the john. It is the most painful steps of the day. I feel as if  my feet could break. Then navigating the toilet paper...well that is another story I wont recite. Thanks all for answers.[/QUOTE]
It just hurts ... and it's the worst moment of the day.... a deep breath and on to the bathroom.  My right foot feels like the outside is glass that is going to shatter.. my back hurts so badly that I am crouched over til I get moving awhile..
and yes.. right into the shower~
It has gotten a little better since I haven't *knock wood* flared in a year.

Motherofall06, I See Dr. Rochelle Rosian At the Family Health Center in Solon. I really liked the facility. I have to travel a bit but, she stressed she is willing to work with my family physcian and ortho as a team. So she has my respect. I like her alot.

BABS10,  *knock Wood*.......OUCHY.... Oeey...... Owweyy....
Thanks for your response. It is nice to know I am not alone. It gives me encouragement that maybe I will have a remission when I start my treatment.
