New to this sight have RA getting worse | Arthritis Information


Hello Dawn,

So nice to meet you but so sad it had to be here on this type of forum.....

It is so hard to have to work such a physically demanding job and have to take care of 2 young children too.  I wish-we wish, that there is some magical wand that we could just swish in front of you and no more RA.

The step up to Remicade can be quite emotional for you...I am quite sure you heard it called the "big gun" of the biologics and here you are being asked to consider taking it.  Quite a lot to think about.  But if the Remicade gives you a chance to become more active with less pain, I think I would give it a chance.  It does take time for these biologics to work, not going to happen overnight.  Take a Little time and think it over.  It took me quite a few months just to OK Enbrel for myself. You may want to go back to some of AI's past post and read what the majority of our members who take Remicade have to say about it.  From what I have heard and read, it has worked like a miracle drug for more people than it has not helped...

As far as going on disability....That it a very hard decision to make, especially if you happen to be a single mother...but if you feel that there is no chance of ever working as a waitress again because the RA is progressively getting worse, I would at least get some information on disability to see if you can qualify and then fill out the paperwork and send it to SSDI or may not get approved the first time around but if you appeal their decision, you could very well get approve the second time.  Also, If you do get approve for disability, there are some schools that you can apply for free or next to free education to help prepare you for a different type of employment.  Going on disability does not mean the end of the world or that you have to stay on disability...maybe just long enough (1 or 2 years) in order learn a new vocation where having RA is not a problem.

 I wish you the best of luck in these decisions that you are facing. Remember, anytime you need to bend someone's ear, we are here and ready to listen.  Never feel that you are alone.

Please take care of yourself and keep us posted as to how you are doing.



waddles38663.7910648148I am unable to work any longer at the capacity I was working. I cant help but see now how the stress of working was making me worse and so much more tired. Getting on disability and then taking some classes would be a wonderful idea Lisa. I know that there is something out there you could do that would not be as physical as waitressing. There are grants and student loans available. If you go check out your local Jr College they have counselors to help you in finding that "perfect" occupation. Best of luck to you.Thank you all for the nice wishes and thoughts.  I am stilll not sure on what I am going to do I told my husband that I am going to give the doctor one more chance and try the remicade and pray to god that It helps because I really dont think I am meant to stay home.  My doc put me off for a week and I am ready to pull my hair out.Then when I get bored I get the munchies and that is oh so not good.  I am just afraid of the flare ups it was so horrible I afaird that again one morning I wont be able to get up and my kids need me I am just scared and really have no one to talk to this about I mean my husband inderstands that it is painful but doesnt understand how I feel inside.  Well I think I am going to take my 4 year old to the park Thanks again

Dawn I agree with the others that suggested getting trained for another career. Remicade is likely to get you going again...and you might be ok waiting tables; for a little while...but that is not a good long term career for a woman with RA. It's far too physical.

I actually do work part time for an event planner and it's very physical and I know after a weekend of doing that it takes me days to recoup. There is no way I could handle that fulltime...but I am a fantastic secretary and office manager where the majority of my duties can be proformed from a sitting position.

RA doesn't mean you have to go on diabiltiy and accept the fact that you can't do just means you have to choose something that isn't too physical.

I am on Humira and MTX and have had fabulous's simular to Remicade and I do know several people on Remicade. I've heard far more good things than bad. I'd definately consider it.

Good Luck!



Hi Well I have health insurance but it is a hefty copay for the enbrel,other meds but he wants me on remicade and I dont know how much that one will cost me.  I also signed up with colonial but I had been diagnosed with RA before I signed up but I told the man what I had and he said I would be okay but you never know about those insurance companies.So I am going to give up on enbrel because it just isnt helping and give remicade a chance and she what happens hopefully it helps well thanks and good luck

