Liver blood test results | Arthritis Information


Well after my GP insisted I see the GI doctor....I did. He did gobs of blood work and my liver results have gone down to almost normal. 41 & 45 compared to like 119 & 125 before.

Obviously it was the MTX right?
The nurse calls me and says the GI doctor still wants to go through with the biopsy. I said "WHAT?, I'm no doctor but I would think it's obvious that the MTX was causing it. " She said "Well, he couldn't be sure of that and he still wants to do the biopsy". I said forget it. I'm not going to go through some painful biopsy just to find out what we already know. I told her I see my RD in mid November and he'll test again and I'll discuss it with him.
Am I wrong? I feel like test stupid doctors want to do all sorts of costly.....sometimes painful test just for the heck of it. I've about had enough of it.
Lovie my gut says you are right. What is the harm of letting some more time pass and seeing your RD and having him repeat your blood work?
Sometimes I feel like doctors are "test happy" too. Plus they want to cover their butts.
I'm so happy to hear your levels are back to almost normal!!!!
I would wait as well. Glad the results are better!

A liver biopsy?  Is that like a needle biopsy?  I think I'd wait and talk to my RA doc in November.  I'm sure most of the time biopsys are safe, but there might be a slight risk, so why take that chance if you really don't need too.  Do another lab in a month or whenever your RA doc recommends and see what the results are then.  Glad to hear your liver lab is normal.   Take care.



Hey Lovie,
I'm so glad your results came back better.
I'd wait too:) 
Thanks for the reassurance guys. You always make me feel better.
I don't want to go back on the MTX if I can help it. I've done far better than I originally thought I would and I want to say I almost feel better. I don't want to jinx it by saying it....but I think as long as I'm doing as well as I'm doing I'm just going to stick with just the Humira. With the cooler weather coming on I've had a lot more problems with my knees....but I had that on MTX too. I think it's OA. My back bothers me but I start PT NOv. 7th. Hopefully that will help. My RD has been wanting me to go to PT for a long time but it was my GP that talked me into it. I want to have the breast reduction in the spring and she said having that on record would help with my insurance. Hopefully it will help with all of my back problems.
Thanks again for your input guys. I appreciated it.
Lovie how long were you on MTX before you had problems with your liver?glad to hear your levels are getting back to normal!!  and WTG!! for standing your ground on what you will and won't tolerate as far as testing!!
good question, Aleva... I was going to ask that too.
I think you are making a very wise decision Lovie.  The biopsy procedure itself is not without risks.  That big a drop in your numbers definitely seems to indicate that it was the MTX, and if the numbers should start to go up instead of down, then you can always readdress things.
I hope you continue to feel well - which I think is the biggest indicator of how you're doing, don't you?
Lovie - my liver tests skyrocketed suddenly on MTX, and after a two-week washout and was told by the ex-rheumy to restart as the numbers had decreased dramatically.  I decided not to restart.  Two months later they were still slightly high as my wonderful family practitioner had taken over my RA care.  She said let's just watch them and see what happens.  Two months later they were completely normal, and it's almost been a year now of normal liver tests.  Plus my white blood count had slowly dropped over 18 months of MTX to way below normal, and that was the another reason I didn't restart it.  I liked her cautionessness, and it all worked out.  If your numbers were rising, that would be a different situation.  Keep us informed and good luck - CathyI agree with you, watching and waiting can't hurt while a biopsy can, rather has potential to. If you suddenly turn yellow go to the doctor!I agree too Lovie, waiting for a while wont hurt
take care xxxI am so glad to hear your numbers are down and that you are feeling well.