It's been a while... Mostly OT <3 | Arthritis Information


Sup kids? Someone wished you happy birthday awhile back and I wondered how you were doing, that thought didn't last very long though, so I was glad to see your post (for the most part). Well at least you have a plan, and although you and Justin seemed to be dealing with your chronic illnesses, it was alot of added stress for both of you. I'm glad you have family and friends you can rely on, you're lucky in that. Drop me an email when you get to WI - I'm just a bit south of the Cheddar Curtain!

It's amazing how many people say their health has changed for the better when they have left a toxic relationship.

I wish you all the best in your new home! Sounds like you have your head together!

Hi Katie!! I don't post much, but have started coming back every now and then to see how everyone's doing. I'm sooooooo glad you checked in, I've been wondering and thinking about you! You sound really happy girl! Sorry to hear you broke up with Justin (or was that Jason, LOL), but it sounds like it was for the best. PLEASE keep in touch when you move, if not through here, then through email. I love you kiddo!

hi Katie, I was wondering where you have been. Sounds like it's been crazy so it's good to get away and spend the winter in WI with your family. It's always so good to go home .
 I am south of you in IL. We could be neighbors. The winters aren't that bad.???!!! LOL
take care and keep us posted
Where in WI?  I'm already here!!
D'aaaaaaawwwwwwwww <3

I'll email! I totally do that. (Sometimes? lol)

Yeah, thanks to whoever said happy b-day! It was WICKED FREAKING AWESOME.

Randomly, here's some pics if you'd like to view:
reegie - my parents live in Columbus, just outside Madison.

The rest of them live in Spooner - nearish Eau Claire. :)
Katie!!!!! Hi, I am sooo glad to hear from you!!! You don't know how much you have been missed. Your intelligence and wit were always welcome.
As you can see, things here have gotten even nastier than before! I'm seriously considering leaving, as are several others. I will miss most of the people here very much. But the bad karma that some are putting out is just more than I care to deal with.
If things were bad with Justin, and you weren't happy, I'm very glad you got out of the relationship. I know from experience that if someone begins to show cruelty, it will only escalate until it begins to take away your spirit, a little at a time. And you have such a beautiful spirit, I would HATE to see that happen. You are a very smart girl. You did the right thing.
I wish you a very happy life. You sound enthusiastic about the course you have chosen. I'm so glad you are feeling better, too. Ridding yourself of stress can work miracles.
If you don't mind, I may e-mail you from time to time, just to say hi and see how you are.
Much love, Nini
HI Katie!!!!! Hello other Katie G!  :)good for you!!
Philly is my back yard!! 
keep in touch, katie....  glad to hear the good reports
Hey Katie! Sorry to hear about your recent break up and glad to hear you are doing much better now.
I was just wondering.... who got the kitties? Did you keep one and he keep one? Just wondering... I mean it is like a divorce to the kitties.
I kept the kitties. I just got them a kitty kennel............the idiots LOVE IT. It's kinda funny....

Pete (my bff from philly) flies down on the 13th to help me pack and drive north.

I'm so giddy, I could pee. LMAO
[QUOTE=arriscolwell]reegie - my parents live in Columbus, just outside Madison.

The rest of them live in Spooner - nearish Eau Claire. :)
I'm not far from Eau Claire!
reegie2008-11-01 13:53:26Ever heard of Bon Iver? (band)

They're from Eau Claire! Or, at least, the singer is. Jason Vernon.

