OT--Think Plaq. added to NSAIDS is causing GERD | Arthritis Information


So I had a bad gastro reaction to Indocin before, and, in time, to Celebrex.

So I was put on Aciphex with my Mobic from the start.
RD was worried anemia that developed subsequently was from bleeding, not just anemia of chronic disease or whatever it's called.  But he sort of got off that bandwagon after my numbers stabilized in the 11's. 
My dad has GERD and has had to have his esophogus stretched because of it, his brother had it, and my sister got something like 13 cavities at once from GERD (first time she'd had a cavity, at age 30).
So my stomach has been tender, and I think maybe adding the plaq to the mobic plus everything else I take every day (including iron) has just pushed my stomach over the edge, and that MAY be the cause of my throat tightness.  My PCP said that the stomach tenderness was maybe an ulcer or reflux and wanted to put me on prevacid but that's the same as aciphex, I guess.  She did think the pain in my throat was originating from my thyroid though so I'm glad I still have the scan scheduled for tomorrow.  But if that comes out clean I am going to have to reconsider taking max dose of NSAID every day.  It hasn't mattered that MTX is only sort of working (if at all) because of Mobic, but Im beginning to realize that I can't rely on Mobic much longer.  Which would be a reason to keep on the plaq.  Or consider biologics.
Going to give my RD a call about the plaq seeming to have escalated stomach problems recently.  I think it was just one pill too many...
When did you start the Plaquenil? Has it been longer than two weeks?  It took me almost two weeks to get past the stomach problems when I first started it.
I am getting ready to start plaq. As soon as I have my eye exam. I was just dx last week. I already take a prilosec otc daily. If I don't I swear I can just breath air and get Heart Burn.
I hope you feel better soon. Stomach probs on top of RA sux.
Good Luck
Thanks.  I don't think plaq. usually starts such bad problems. I think I have just been living with an almost-ulcer for a while.  Maybe just gastritis.  And I have been ignoring it...it has maybe been 3 weeks on plaq?  I am supposed to be on 2 a day but still 1 because my husband was tired of me turning my nose up at dinner. :) [QUOTE=KatieG]Thanks.  I don't think plaq. usually starts such bad problems. I think I have just been living with an almost-ulcer for a while.  Maybe just gastritis.  And I have been ignoring it...it has maybe been 3 weeks on plaq?  I am supposed to be on 2 a day but still 1 because my husband was tired of me turning my nose up at dinner. :)[/QUOTE]

Have you been tested for h. pylori infection?

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