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I found this interesting that Palin's own state paper would not endorse her
and McCain. But here are some of the "big" papers endorsements also.

Endorsements: Anchorage paper picks Obama

By The Associated Press – 1 day ago

Excerpts from recent newspaper endorsements of the presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain.


The Anchorage (Alaska) Daily News endorsed Obama on Oct. 25, 2008:

Gov. Palin's nomination clearly alters the landscape for Alaskans as we survey this race for the presidency — but it does not overwhelm all other judgment. The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation.

Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Sen. McCain.


The Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch endorsed McCain on Oct. 26

Experience — particularly in international and military affairs — is a significant issue at the top of the tickets. These Editorial Pages have long maintained that national security ranks as the most important responsibility of any American president. And by this measure, John McCain is the clear and unambiguous choice in 2008. The world remains a very dangerous place. McCain has demonstrated the courage and sound judgment needed to protect the free people of this nation — and assist those fighting for freedom around the world.


The Baltimore Sun endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

Sen. Obama's campaign has been extraordinarily open — inclusive across generational, ethnic and class lines. His top advisers include Democrats and Republicans, giving substance to his promise of bipartisan leadership. He created a disciplined organization that raised record sums yet stayed within budget. Sen. Obama's campaign testifies to his managerial skill and talent for surrounding himself with smart, hardworking people.

In his first term in Congress, Sen. Obama cannot claim decades of Washington experience. But his steadiness and thoughtful approach to issues show he has the judgment and depth of knowledge to lead the country. His first major decision after winning the nomination was to name Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, a proven foreign policy hand, as his running mate.


The (Sioux Falls, S.D.) Argus Leader endorsed McCain on Oct. 26:

At a time when both houses of Congress are controlled by the Democratic Party — and by margins that are likely to increase after this year's elections — McCain has the best chance to bridge the distressingly wide partisan divides that have developed in recent years while preserving some sense of moderation.


The Lansing (Mich.) State Journal endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

In the basic analysis, this is about change versus the status quo, about hope versus fear. Democratic nominee Barack Obama offers mid-Michigan a break from the past. Voters should take it.

The LSJ Editorial Board endorses Barack Obama for the office of president.

The events since the meltdown of the global credit markets has brought the issues and the choice into focus. Republican John McCain offered a whirlwind of unfocused energy and incoherent ideas to the economic crisis, while Obama exuded the calm and deliberation Americans will want and need in the White House.


The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press endorsed McCain on Oct. 26:

Each major party candidate for president this year brings unique strengths to the urgent issues facing the nation. But for sheer depth of experience, principled courage and unassailable independence, Republican John McCain stands out.


The Des Moines (Iowa) Register endorsed Obama on Oct. 25.

Obama has earned the Register's endorsement for the presidency because of his steadfastness in the face of uncertainty, his clear-eyed vision for a more just America and his potential for rallying the country to do great things.


The Sioux City (Iowa) Journal endorsed McCain on Oct. 26.

Vietnamese torturers offered the downed, badly injured and beaten Navy pilot — a high-profile grandson and son of admirals whose father was commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific — early repatriation in 1968. He turned them down, and he paid a heavy price for his refusal during another five years as a prisoner of war.

That well-chronicled story speaks volumes about McCain the man — his leadership, his patriotism, his commitment to duty and honor, his courage and resolve, his ability to persevere during the toughest of times, his inherent sense of what's right and what's wrong.


The Erie (Pa.) Times-News endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

In Sen. Obama, we see a president who will inspire Americans to work together to address the current financial crisis and to repair our international relationships.

We see a leader who will represent citizens yearning for government that leads from the middle, not from the far left or extreme right.

We see a man from humble roots who believed that any child — including one with a multicultural family tree — could grow up to be president, but who understood that such aspirations require hard work, rigorous education and a vision for a better future.

We see a candidate who stayed unruffled, even when treated with apparent disdain by his debate opponent. We see a person who remains calm during crisis.


The Birmingham (Ala.) News endorsed McCain on Oct. 26:

But there is something that separates the two men, and that is their records and core beliefs. As thrilling as the idea of an Obama presidency may be, we believe McCain is the better choice for America in these trying times.


The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

Obama is a transformational figure, a generation younger than his opponent, a man with both a lively mind and a caring heart, and the first major party candidate for president whose understanding of the world is not molded by the Cold War or the Vietnam experience.


The Portsmouth (N.H.) Herald endorsed Obama on Oct. 26

We have seen the young senator from Illinois grow dramatically as a candidate and prove his leadership in the most closely contested primary process in American history. Through one of the most creative and stable political organizations ever built, he has set the bar high and insisted that Americans rise above their partisan squabbles and fears to create a government and society that will work better for the common, long-term good of the country.


The Billings (Mont.) Gazette endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens. After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad. Obama is that leader.


The Elko (Nev.) Daily Free Press endorsed McCain on Oct. 24:

Neither candidate is recognizable today compared to who they were two years ago, before they started campaigning. The moderate, reform-minded man of integrity, Sen. John McCain, has turned himself into a right-wing Frankenstein in order to scare up voters from the Republican base. ... We have chosen to ignore the theatrics and endorse the man behind the mask, the John McCain who stands up to wasteful spending and isn't afraid to break through party lines to get the job done.


The Albany (N.Y.) Times Union endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

We're always skeptical when a candidate for any office promises change or, as we hear around Albany so much, reform. Often, all we get are big campaign-season generalities and a postelection letdown. But as this presidential race has progressed, Senator Obama has laid out a detailed, credible, persuasive and encouraging vision of change. It is one we endorse at a time when change is so clearly needed.


The (Rochester, N.Y.) Democrat and Chronicle endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

Obama ... has demonstrated focused leadership, intellectual heft, coolness under fire and an innate ability to stir optimism. It's telling that he surrounded himself with top-notch thinkers to run his campaign. That's a healthy sign that Obama will choose the best talent available as he charts a new course for the nation.


The Maine Sunday Telegram endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

The person best suited to lead under these circumstances is the one most capable of inspiring Americans to have confidence in the future while also embracing change that will sometimes be difficult to accept. That person has to be intelligent, resolute and, above all, cool under pressure.

On paper, one would not expect a first-term U.S. senator from Illinois to be a person likely to bring those qualities to the nation's highest office. But over the course of an arduous campaign, that senator proved that he has the mettle _the demeanor, energy and policy positions — to lead this nation during a difficult time.


The (Lewiston, Maine) Sun Journal endorsed McCain on Oct. 26:

America needs change. We're torn, however, over scope. Wholesale replacement of ideology in the White House, with a likely Democratic supermajority in Congress, is a great concern.

The country needs a shift, not a swing, from its current course.

This will require cooperation between parties. President John McCain could be the cross-aisle consensus builder who could turn the country back toward prosperity.


The (Muncie, Ind.) Star Press endorsed Obama on Oct. 26:

Obama also has set an example by remaining calm during the financial collapse and in the face of an onslaught of negative and derogatory ads and inflammatory stump speeches, a good indication of his demeanor in office. It's also a leadership style that instills confidence during a time when Americans need and want that quality in a president.

On the Net:
Needless to say everything's not rosey for Palin up here. She has lost a lot of her beginning popularity and as more comes out about her, the worse she looks. In the scheme of things it's probably pretty 'small potatoes', but the Anchorage Daily News is also a fairly liberal newspaper. How about that Ted Stevens!! Cathy are you ROFLYAO? I guess the really, really funny part will be when he's re-elected to the Senate. One week to go!!!!Ninilchicken - he should have retired 20 years ago and gone back to Girdwood.  Alaskans look like fools with Sarah and now Uncle Ted. 
The ADN is a liberal, Democratic paper, they always endorse the Democratic candidates. 
That said, GO ANGDA !!!!!! ROFLMAO
I thought that each of the different papers had good things to say about
both of the candidates. But most papers endorse Obama.
They both have their good points and bad points and I think we all know
who our next president is going to be.
Yes I started this out with the Anchorage paper but there are many
more posted also. Is one of them in your town endorsing Obama?