GIVING UP | Arthritis Information


I THINK I'M AT THE END OF MY ROPE TRYING TO CONVINCE THESE OPEN MOUTHED DROOLERS THAT OBAMA COULDN'T CARRY McCAINS BRIEFCASE LET ALONE BE PRESIDENT.You promise?Did it ever occur to you that we don't want you to convince us of anything, let alone your beliefs?

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:36:42whats the difference're right they're wrong. they're right you're wrong.  Its all a matter of which side you are looking at it from,  The deal is that NO ONE HERE needs you, Donn, Gimpy, Pip, JSNM or anyone else to tell us who to vote for or what to believe.  We are all adults and have a belief systme already in place.  In fact you guys have probably driven more people away with your myopic views of the worlds than you have "spread the word" You give conservatives a bad name just as much as the extreme liberal on the other end of the spectrum give liberalism a bad name. 
If you are secure in your beliefs why do you give a damm what anyone else thinks?  Do you really believe that people come here for political views.  Heck no they come for the train wreck.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:37:00

have you ever heard of beating a dead horse

freedom of speech also means learning when to shut up....speaking just to hear your own voice or read your own words loses the effectivness of persuasive speech

buckeye2008-10-28 06:28:39

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:36:20 [QUOTE=AchingAudrey]Hey, people express their views on this forum and so do I, just because it's contrary to someone elses doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion.  Ever heard of freedom of speech?[/QUOTE]

Hmmm...  I found this interesting considering the comments you made to me on another post.

whats the purpose? what do you hope to gain from that..other than being able to spout off[QUOTE=buckeye]whats the purpose? what do you hope to gain from that..other than being able to spout off[/QUOTE]
 She's a troll...She enjoys causing trouble.  Seems pretty simple to me Buckeye-
It seems to me there are extremes on BOth sides here and as long as there is the one there will probably be the other.  People can just ignore ALL political comments if they prefer since the primary reason for this forum is help and information about RA.
[QUOTE=Lynn49]She enjoys causing trouble.  Seems pretty simple to me [/QUOTE]
