Can you feel the space? | Arthritis Information


Since my fingers are not as swelled as they use to be since my last Remicade infusion. I can feel space between my finger joints on most of my fingers and on the others I cannot.

So what does that mean, if I can feel space between my finger joints?
Am I suppose to be able to feel space between my finger joints?
Glad the remicade is working! Enjoy the space.
I'm thinking, is she saying she can spread her fingers apart now, and being silly?  It is too early and I can't figure it out, but I'm glad you are feeling better! :)
I have a dent on my hand below my lowest knuckle on my pinky and ring finger.  RD said it may be muscle loss, that there is muscle there in your hands and I may have lost it from lack of use or what not...
KatieG2008-10-28 03:45:36Yeah, my post was confusing wasn't it?
In the first knuckle attached to your hand, I can feel space between the bones that make up that knuckle. Aren't the bones suppose to touch each other and there be no space between the bones?
I have no muscle in my hands. I have very poor grip. Heck last I remember, my grip strength bearly registers on a grip meter thing you squeeze at PT. And my neurologist say I have no muscle in my hands. How sad is that?
SO now when I pinch someone it is like a fly landed on them