Should Jack007 advertise? | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

Over on the "No More Bextra" thread we are having a discussion concerning the posts of Jack007. Some of us do not think Jack should be posting messages that to us are nothing more than advertisements.

He is pushing a product that may or not be good, I don't know. My only problem with Jack is that I believe there is a place for him to put forth his ideas - under advertisements. Yes, he would have to pay a fee but that is what the other people who think they have the "right", natural treatment for arthritis have done. He can post his testimonials there. If some of us want to try his product then thats fine with me. My Rhue... has always told me that as long as a product does us no harm then she has no objections to our trying it. If it makes us feel better, shes all for it.

I do object to him using our message boards for ads. They are supposed to be a place for people with arthritis to come for help from other people with arthritis.

Jack's mother-in-law has arthritis and if he wants to read our posts to have a better understanding of living with arthritis so he can be more help to her, thats great. If he has questions we can answer concerning arthritis, thats fine too.

He wants to leave it up to the members. You may want to read the posts on the "no more bextra" thread.

I'm just sorry that this situation had to come up at all.



I guess I would have to agree with you, Barb.  I'm not opposed to Jack being on the boards, but I am opposed to him trying to use the boards to sell his product. 

You're right, this is a place for those with arthritis to come for help and support.  Mentioning a product that may help us, as we all do, is one thing, but trying to sell it is something entirely different.  This isn't a place for advertisements. 

My thoughts are that Jack is welcome here as long as it's not as a salesman.




I am in total agreement there are other advertisers who  do advertise on the homepage and they have to pay a fee.  Jack I am sorry but you need to advertise your product there and not on our psotings.  We get bombarded by advertisement everyday we don't need it in the postings!!    Meme

I’m posting this on both the “No more Bextra” and the “Should Jack007 advertise" threads.


Hi Barbara,

A quick question:

What is the difference between strongly recommending Birkenstocks (which you yourself did on the “foot and ankle pain” thread) and strongly recommending hyaluronic acid?

You probably don’t own stock in the Birkenstock company but how can we know for sure?

To be consistent shouldn’t you have had to pay a fee and put your advice regarding Birkenstocks in the advertising section of the board?

Another question:

If you are aware of something that is truly revolutionary, that truly works, and that could alleviate the pain of many arthritis sufferers, aren’t you bound morally and ethically to share that knowledge and not keep it to yourself?

If you did keep it to yourself wouldn’t you be guilty of a dereliction of duty and be responsible for a lot of needless pain?

For example, here is an excerpt from one of the many emails I’ve received:

“all natural supplement that has been having a positive impact on thousands of people who had resigned themselves to the fact they had to live with pain.  My Dad had bad arthritis for 15 yrs and after only 3 days on it...his pain was gone!  It's called Essential Renewal Joint Solutions with HA.”

Once again, I’ll direct you to the ABC News Special about hyaluronic acid with Connie Chung.

You can view it here:       

Finally, let me suggest that you don’t knock something until you have tried it.

Meanwhile my feelings are hurt and I’m going to take a sabbatical from this board.

As General Douglass MacArthur once said,

“Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.”

So I’m fading away.


Jack00738455.6213194444There's a difference between recommending something and trying to sell it for pete's sake, Jack.  Your signature is a sales pitch!!  Barbara isn't selling Birk's, she's simply recommending them as something that works for her.  Good grief!

Jack as we said we don't mind you here if you are looking for info or support to help a relative , such as your mother in law, but we don't want to see advertisement with our postings.  So if you feel you need to go away for awhile, then so be it.  We just ask that you understand how we feel and we just don't think it is fair that you are advertising your product for free while others that use this website to advetise pay fee.  If you want to advertise on this website then please go to the homepage and use the contact us, under there is a way for people who wish to advertise their product on this website can for a fee.  Meme


The difference is Barbara isn't making MONEY off of her posts and you ARE!! Big difference


I am with you, No Advertising here! If I want to buy something I will go to Google and find it or Ebay and Bid on it!! Otherwise I am here because I feel like I have been dealt a bad hand and feel like puke...

Someone move in with me about 2.5 years ago without my permission and has stayed everysince, causing me loss of sleep, loss of income, loss of friends, travel, enjoyment and so on. His name is RA and he brings company called PAIN!

So pardon me if I do not want any advertising here.

I agree...Barbara recommending the Burks was in response to friendly advice between what we've come to consider friends. It's not that we don't welcome new comers....because we all know how welcoming this place can be. But Jack isn't here for the reasons we are; and the one thing that binds us all together here and makes us keep coming back is that common thread. Just my two cents