OT - if the election is stolen from us AGAIN! | Arthritis Information


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Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:24:09I can't believe I'm typing this and it makes me feel a little nauseated.... I agree with AA.  The last election wasn't stolen.

Don't jump all over me AA, I was just JOKING!

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:22:52start packing now i'm sure gimpy would love the company...hahahaI think being GoGo's neighbor would be a blast!
And I love the fact that my family and I would have socialized medicine.  Especially since 2 of us have chronic illnesses.
Maybe Windsor?
Pip...come a little closer my way..Windsor's ok..but the London to Toronto area is MUCH better!Oooh, heard fab things about the Toronto area too!
Pip, will you be forfeiting your US citizenship when you go?  I mean, I'm not trying to show you the door or anything, but one less liberal American voter can't be a bad thing, ya know? Yeah, Toronto is an arts capital - kind of like LA but 'real'.  LOL
Jas - don't think I'll have to - I'm pretty sure we're gonna win this one. 
Toronto was the site of my first annual "sister trip". That was a long time ago, but man, it was a blast! [QUOTE=Pip!]Yeah, Toronto is an arts capital - kind of like LA but 'real'.  LOL Pip, we have some really good dinner parties you could come to if you move to Canada. Toronto is kind of far from Vancouver, though. Toronto is an okay city, but I really like Montreal. There's just that language issue, though. Vancouver is nice, too. And so is St. John's. Maybe you could try them all out?

I wouldn't be overly confident about this election either, given the last two.

I was reading some book reviews about election fraud in the US in the 2000 and 2004 elections, and this guy had some interesting things to say:

That the GOP has tried to subvert the Democratic process is beyond question. The attempt to scrub voter roles in Florida and elsewhere is not only well documented, those harmed by such actions have won court actions alleging civil rights violations. Undeterred by the law and the Justice Departments, the states just went ahead and scrubbed the voter roles again. The book also mentions the blatant attempts to suppress voter registration by African-Americans and other minorities as well as numerous other tactics of Republicans to keep groups who are likely to vote Democrat from voting. History has shown repeatedly that large voter turn outs as well as maximum voter inclusion strongly favors Democrats. Republicans have long responded by attempting to keep people off voter roles or hindering people from voting. But this book is not in the end about these voters. What Freeman and Bleifuss want to account for is the significant and statistically improbable (so improbable to be a near impossibility) gap between the exit polls (which are substantiated by other polls and statistics) and the official vote totals that Kerry and Bush received in 2004. Although it is now definitively known that the 2000 election was won by Al Gore (it is simply a fact that the judge in charge of the recount in Florida was going to authorize a state wide recount of all the undervotes, which would have provided Gore with a very comfortable victory--the recount did not go forward because the federal judiciary in the form of the Supreme Court intervened in a purely state matter, in what is incontestably one of the worst violations of judicial authority in American history), it now appears that in fact Kerry both earned a higher total in both popular and electoral votes than Gore did or should have won in 2000. In other words, we now know that Gore unquestionably should have won the 2000 election, and there is substantial evidence that Kerry even more decisively defeated Bush in 2004.

Republicans will call anyone impugning the outcome of the 2004 election a sore loser, but numbers are numbers. Anyone who remembers the election of 2004 will remember television analysts before the polls closed talking about how glum the White House was, how sullen and unhappy those gathering for the GOP election party were, how elated Democrats were. Why? The exit polls were showing a very strong victory by Kerry. To be specific, the exit polls showed Kerry winning between 282 and 364 electoral votes and between 5 million and 7 million popular votes. Later the exit poll results were "adjusted" to reflect the official tallies, but the raw data showed a strong Kerry victory, especially in the key battleground states of Ohio, Nevada, and New Mexico by numbers well outside the margin of error, as well as probable victories in Florida, Iowa, and Colorado, though there inside the margin of error. In addition, Bush victories in Virginia, North Carolina, and Missouri were well within the margin of error. Suspiciously, virtually every state exit poll showed Kerry doing significantly better in almost every state than he actually did. Only in a couple of states did Bush do worse than exit polls predict, and those were Republican strongholds where Kerry did only one or two tenths of a percentage point better, not only within the error of margin but statistically insignificant. All told, the exit polls indicated that Kerry nationwide should have done 6.5% better in the popular vote than he was credited with. Again, the question of why this divergence between the popular vote and the exit polls would be significant in former Soviet Georgia but not the US has to be raised.

There's more but it's dubious most on this forum even got this far. The book "Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?: Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count" (and the rest of the review) can be perused at http://www.amazon.com/Was-2004-Presidential-Election-Stolen/dp/1583226877

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:22:30stolen election, NO WAY.  I hope you're wrong Pip, I hope McCain gets in.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:17:52 [QUOTE=Pip!]Yeah, Toronto is an arts capital - kind of like LA but 'real'.  LOL

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:10:29Audrey, here's the problem I have with all this... Obama scares me. He's a socialist and too many of the wrong people around the world are dying to have him in power. BTW have you heard about the tape the LA Times is holding on to instead of reporting as they are supposed to as journalists? Anyway , He has shown over and over again that he has at best terrible judgment in his associations. He believes in world governance, he believes in redistribution of wealth to a level never seen in America and that scares me for the future. BUT I have never said or intimated that if he won, it would be trough fraud or anything remotely close to that... Last election leading up to the election, the Democratic party  started lining up their lawyers to deal with the "stolen election" and/or voter fraud. What did they find? Do you think for a second that if they had had ANY way to dispute the election, they wouldn't have? But they did intimate it if not out right referencing it from time to time. So now, people from other countries think that Bush isn't a legitimate president. We have members of congress going overseas and talking ill of thheir own country. Not realizing that when they do that they diminish us. All of us. It makes my stomach turn.... Wow, I'm ranting... But here we are about to have a new election and voting hasn't even started and you are already hearing "stolen election". It's almost as if they know that they are going to lose AGAIN and this is a way to save face. It couldn't possibly be that the American public, push-come-to-shove are conservative at heart?... José2008-10-30 07:08:52

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:10:58Jose -
I have some serious questions about those chads on those ballots in Florida.  And when it was called as a problem, the future Brother of the President sided with - hmmmm - his brother.  And the woman (forget her name) was high up GOP official who, of course, said "the election is Bushs'.  Why they didn't bring in a bi-partisan team to deal with that and dispurse the allegations is yet another reason why some feel the election was stolen.  I didn't know about the exit polls until GoGo posted that. 
I do know the LA Times ran an article about a cheap easy fix developed by some East Coast Professor for the accuracy of the electronic votes where people could post the anonymous results of other voters and get a copy of their own election results to compare with if theirs happened to be posted and SURPRISE the GOP voted that down.  Why is that?
Finally, the neighboring city to where I live just got busted by some Federal Agency and the ACLU for purging the election roles prior to this election.  The city I live in did not.  The other city has a high minority population which would have probably voted Democratic.  The city I lived in is well to do and has more Cons.  Hmmmm. 
Yes, we have questions and I would hate to think, as an American, that we have voter fraud going on.  And as an American, I want to get to the bottom of this.
I have serious questions too.  Like if you should even be allowed to vote since you appear to be anti-American...ot to mention stupid.Pip, here's the thing. Do you really think that if the election had been stolen that it wouldn't have been fought longer? Do you really think that if the Democratic party had any proof that they would have given in at all? Do you remember how many thousands of lawyers they had ready? It was like an army and yet, give in they did. Are there irregularities? Are you suggesting that there aren't any on your side of things? Are there bad people out there? Of course. You seem to think that there is some huge conspiracy but they can't even keep a secret that only involved a couple of people(Clinton) and we're to believe that there's a secret that hundreds if not thousands are involved in and somehow it's keep secret?
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