What was your voting experience like? | Arthritis Information


My husband and I stood in line in the freezing cold (K~In the 40ties) for an hour and a half last night to vote early. The lines here for early voting have been around two hours every day.

I'd like to hear how everyones experience has been in other parts of the country. I can't imagine what election day will be like.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:25:38we don't have the early vote option... otherwise I would be done.  Ugh If I had to stand out in yesterday's weather here.... cold driving rain... I may have bagged it. I'll vote on election day....I can go at off peak hours so hopefully the wait won't be too long.  In 2004 my wait was over 2 hours in cold downpouring rain and in our district we had waits of up to 4 hours.  I live in a highly Republican area so the long waits weren't only in the Democrat districts in Ohio.Yikes!

I'll be voting on Tuesday.  I'm going to be a pollwatcher this year, so I'll be at the polling place for most of the day.
I'm going to vote later today.  I prefer to vote on election day just in case something should come up that would effect my vote.  But it looks like we might be out of town on the fourth and I don't want to take the chance of not voting.  So I will post about this again later.  Hoping it goes smoothly.I'm voting on Tuesday and the weather is supposed to be great Absentee for hubby and I too.  No long lines for this chick!
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