OT somebody take away the pain, please. | Arthritis Information


I have completely redefined  a "10" on the pain scale. I haven't had a decent meal in days and I've lost another 5 lbs. I bought a pair of size 2 jeans and they are already baggy on me. I am just so nauseaus from the pain. My arms and hands don't hurt anymore, but I still have pain from the top of my neck down my lower back and shooting down one leg now. Can the ER do anything about severe whiplash? I hurt so much, but I doubt it. The Dr. offered me pain meds when the ambulance brought me in and I told them they couldn't give me anything I didn't already have at home. He wasn't lying when he said I would feel 40 times worse in the next few days.

My rheumy called Tues. am to ask how the cortisone shot in the butt worked and I told him I didn't know since I was in the car accident a few hours afterwards.
On a side note, I started volunteering to help other women escape domestic violence and tomorrow I'm helping a lady who just had her husband (a cop) served with a restraining order tonight, move at the (butt) crack of dawn. All I can do is watch for her hubby and let them use my car. as I cannot pick up anything heavier than maybe my meds. She was going back tonight with the cops. She left yesterday and when he went to work this morning, she went in the house to get clothes for their kids to wear to school and he had smashed everything that was breakable, tore up anything that was paper including their children's baby pictures, records, cut up her clothes. Not sure what is left. He is a huge body builder and lifts weights all the time. He threw their bigscreen tv at a wall destroying it. Sounds like roid rage to me...  I told her to take pictures and have them blown up at costco. I will empty my piggy bank to pay for them for her If I have to. I had so many wonderful people help me, I want to return the favor any way I can.
Now if I can just get rid of this awful pain...
I used to go to the emergency clinic and if I had someone to drive me home, I would get a shot that in the worse pain - it would knock it out. I wish I knew what it was. I hope you have something like this available to you or the emergency room?

Good for you for volunteering. Isn't it great So sorry about your whiplash. It is very painful and can last for a long time. It is REAL pain.
I was in a bad car wreck a year ago October 26. I had whiplash and a massive rotator cuff tear. Had to have surgery. It's been a long year. Now my lower back is killing me again. never really  had back pain before accident. The lady had 4 children in her car and ran a red light that t=boned us and snapped my tired into that proppeld us into a fire hydrant that bent the Frame of our Escalade...ugh.. How did your accident happen? You may want to see your doctor.  For me whiplash was so very painful. I shutter and feel sorry for you.  Huggggggs to you and better days ahead. Blessing to you for the work your doing helping those woman.
Best Regards,
Sorry to hear you are in such pain, owiemom!
I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Much hugs!

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:16:37Sorry you're hurting, but buck up, be mature about it and quit your whining. [QUOTE=Iorster] Sorry you're hurting, but buck up, be mature about it and quit your whining.[/QUOTE]

AA, I'm going to ask that you do not use my screen name in any form to do things like this.OMG (osh)....Lorster...you are rude....I suspect you know how rude you are...I also think you are actually another member that just changed their name....I think this place sux. Really.....just sux.
I am a pretty smart*Deb-
So sorry you are in so much pain! I don't know what to say-you need a break! Prayers going up that you get a stretch of time without pain & worries.
That volunteer group is lucky to have you! it does feel good to make others feel good doesn't it?
[QUOTE=lorster] [QUOTE=Iorster] Sorry you're hurting, but buck up, be mature about it and quit your whining.[/QUOTE]

AA, I'm going to ask that you do not use my screen name in any form to do things like this.[/QUOTE]
I'm not AA, but not to worry, I'm sure you'll figure this out, you claim to be smart.
Good thoughts for you from here.
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