THe issue of stolen or similar names | Arthritis Information


THe issue of stolen or similar names has come up.  Honey told me someone was posting using her name, had apparently guessed her password.  Lorster and PG said someone was posting using similar names to theirs.

Gimpy said forums have been damaged or destroyed when this type of thing is done.  For the sake of this forum and those who want to come here and get help and information for RA,  I hope people have the good sense to stop this.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:09:33[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda] I hope people have the good sense to stop this.[/QUOTE]
They probably do not have good sense, otherwise they would not be harrassing people with a chronic illness.
I would say contact Ernest, but it will do no go. For all we know it is Ernest doing all of this.  If not he is just as bad because he does'nt care.
In Lori's case it is probably the resident AI A-hole DONN!
Without guessing who is doing it, do you think it should be stopped?
Yeah, got any ideas?  Alot of people saying they find it unacceptable and want this forum to continue to be a place where people can get info and support for RA.yeah, so do you have any ideas how to stop it?I just said, but maybe AA's idea of ignoring it is better.What do you think?I think you can SAY you want people to stop all you want, but it won't happen unless they actually WANT to stop.
Well, I think it can't be stopped unless Ernest or whoever he is cleans out all the frauds.
I think it is entertainment for him so that probably wont happen.  So I guess we just have to ignore them.  Hard to do when it is you that has been hijacked though It's very sad and very childish. Maybe it's time to stop giving this/these person(s) the attention they so crave.
If anything they post is simply ignored completely and we stop discussing how irritated we are with this situation and go about our business they will go away.
Would it make a difference if we started complaining to the sponsors of the website?[QUOTE=lorster]Would it make a difference if we started complaining to the sponsors of the website?[/QUOTE]
Because the sponsors are full of crap anyway.  I'm still such an ass but I'm trying to get better.
Lorster i have complained to to the sponsors but they wrote me an email to say web wiz is a free download. Then i went a step better and contacted Google as they sponsor loads of adds on here. I recieved a mail this afternoon and they are getting someone to contact me. My nephew is a computer whizz, he designs programs and builds computers and has the day off tomorrow so he is going to look into it for me. I have great faith in him as he sorted a website out ( also non moderated and getting bad posts) for a friend of his who has prostate problems.
I will let you know
take care
Lisa x
[QUOTE=Pam S]yeah, so do you have any ideas how to stop it?[/QUOTE]
I've got an idea, how about not making posts about it?  My name was "stolen" too.  I didn't get my panties in a wad because whoever did it is just causing trouble.  Let it go.  It will all pass, it always does.  The more attention you give it, the more it stays around.  Stop making threads about it, stop talking about it.  If you want to hatch a plot, more power to you, do it on PM.
NO plot Phat...just trying to get the board back to some sense of normaility[QUOTE=Pam S]I think Ernest might be one of them  If not he is just as bad because he does'nt care.
In Lori's case it is probably the resident AI A-hole DONN!
Pam, do you have any proof that it was Donn?  That is a heavy accusation.  How would you like it if someone accussed you without any proof?  And we wonder why this board is so childish.  Geez
[QUOTE=pin cushion]NO plot Phat...just trying to get the board back to some sense of normaility[/QUOTE]
Pin, I understand.  I'm just suggesting that we (me included) stop talking about it.  Look at the political threads, they have calmed down b/c this has all the attention.  I think if we just leave it be whoever has this much time on their hands will get bored and move on.
I can see how someone can say it was, DONN. Because he was no longer getting the reaction and hits on his other posts, so I could see how someone would say it could be DONN.
Probably a many on here think, it is DONN, too. Can you blame them? No.
I think it's childish behavior... by children....
I vote they be ignored... and they will stop.. or they'll find a new way to entertain themselves!
I dont think they will will die down and come back up again in a few weeks/months...I think seeking out the trouble makers and exposing them will stop the way the board is going...I know i would like know who they are. I have a good idea but as with anything i need proof and hopefully my nephew will get it for us. I liked the RA board even with the odd bickering post and OT subjects but this time its gone past the ridiculous.

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 12:08:02I will let you know as soon as I do.


i sent a private message to ernest. hopefully he will respond to all this.JOONIE, YOU ARE A TOTAL NITWIT!!maybe ernest needs to start paying attention to what goes on here.. how many advertisers will stay on an inactive website????
wake up ernestpr....... 
this is your gravy train talking to you!!!
I am a nitwit!
I just love being a turtle... I mean NITWIT!!!
BUMP.......this crap has been going on forever.....did everyone get bored and pick me to harrass?  I am really offended.
Search my threads.....I have been very nice to people here. I have a good heart and you pinheads want to stir up Drama...because the board was quiet today?........................unbelievable very Rude......
[QUOTE=inflamedOnline]BUMP.......this crap has been going on forever.....did everyone get bored and pick me to harrass?  I am really offended.
Search my threads.....I have been very nice to people here. I have a good heart and you pinheads want to stir up Drama...because the board was quiet today?........................unbelievable very Rude......
.......on 2nd thought....don't search my threads because i can be a bitch and there were some really bad ones in there..........i get so easily offended because i have no real friends.......only those in here that i managed to make.  my little feelings are so hurt by a bunch of people i dont really even know from a whole in the head....i'm so pathetic.
I am the real inflamed0nline............ I like to stir up  the pot........................
This place rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can have all 3 of me posting IO, I0 & AA