Stumbling from Meds?? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone else have this problem? At least I think my getting around like I have been 

is from my meds! My legs dont always feel connected to the rest of me and I have to say my head feels that way some days too.
Input appreciated and TIA.
Cheers...Lyn Hi Lynn. Yes, When I could still walk, I would ofter walk into walls, or fall with no warning. I didn't feel dizzy, however. I just had no balance. My neurologist said it could be from my neuropathy. If the nerves are damaged or inflammed they can effect any part of your body.
If you are falling, though, you really need to get it checked out! Falls are very scarey and can cause soooo much damage! I don't know if it is from the meds or not. It could have a lot or a little to do with it, but you really should get checked.
Leet me know what you find out.
Hugs, nini
I have that too Lyn.  If I don't pay strict attention, I think that I would fall. When I go shopping, I always grab one of their carts to keep my balance.  But I do have nasal allergies too and that can cause dizzyness.  I do take pills for allergies.  If it's not one thing, it's another.  If I wasn't so dam proud, I would use a cane. Is it dizziness? or Weakness? or nerve related?...could be med induced..what are you taking? I use to walk every day 3 miles in AM and 2 in the PM..I started falling...people would walk next to me on the track and I would lose my balance...I ended up with numb legs and the whole drama of being dx with MS.  list your meds...Do call your doc. and report this to him.
Best Wishes
I have peripheral neuropathy and that was causing me to fall. I started on Lyrica and it has become my wonderdrug. No more falling, but Occasionally I will find myself stumbling when my hips hurt and i don't pick my feet up high enough.Oh Nini.....when you could walk?? I feel bad with my wee  insignificant problem knowing you cant use your legs! Yowser!! I am so sorry and cant imagine not having any working appendages. Dont want to even think about it.
But...I am not falling, just stumbling about like a drunkard.  lolol
And therein lies the problem.
I have mentioned this to my Rheumy but it was the usual Mona Lisa (read enigmatic/non readable) smile and that was that! It only began after the sulfasalazine/plaq/pred mix so Im guessing when/if I break that combo this sillyness will stop? Its a nasty feeling not feeling connected to the ' rest' of your 'self'. 
I was tripping a bunch before I had my back surgery. It was definitely caused by nerve problems. The only thing my meds make me do is tangle my words up sometimes. I hate that. Do you have back issues by chance?

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:48:04Lyn, honey, your problems are definitely NOT insignificant! Just different. We all have our problems to deal with and none is more or less important than the others. Any new symptom can be scarey. Walking into walls or stumbling is really scarey! Falling is even worse. That's why I am unable to walk now.
 After breaking my pelvis twice this year, and having the degenerative scoliosis as well as other serious back problems, the pain keeps me from walking or even standing for more that a minute or two. The second break was from a bad fall. Consequently, I spent about 6 months this year, in bed, healing from the breaks.
Good news is that I have a new spine specialist, who is very well respected around here. He will soon be doing surgery on my lumbar  spine and thinks I will be able to walk without a walker or anything! I'm so excited about it. Just wish I knew what technique he will decide to use. I know there will be spacers between my vertebre and more rods and screws to hold it up. Just don't know how he will put them there.
But don't ever think that I or anyone else, won't take your pain and troubles seriously. They are every bit as important and worth discussing as anyone elses. And stumbling can become falls at any time. So be very careful, okay? It does sound like it could possibly be your meds.
Take care, Sweetie
Hugs, Nini
