Got my results | Arthritis Information


The good news is it's not RA related. This was my GP and she sent his results to him (my RD) so I will talk with him another time.

But- my trigycerides are 976! Normal is less than 150.  Over all cholesteral was 287. As usual my good cholesteral is high and my bad cholesteral is not bad. However the trigycerides were so off the charts they couldn't even measure the LDL in the normal fashion. I forget what she said they had to do but that's why my tests for delayed.
Also my TSH 3rd generation is slightly off.
She said it could be the start of hypothyroidism. (?)
She said your thyroid could throw off the trigycerides, also if the week before the test I ate a lot of fatty and sweet food. I watch myself pretty good - I don't think so. She said it's pretty extreme numbers to be something so insignificant.
Although lately I've had a passion for those darn powder sugar covered chrusik and now I have to give them up! What else!
I have to watch my diet for 3 weeks and go get tested again.
If it's no good it's thyroid meds and Lovasa and possibly Tricor combined.
I think my liver numbers look good. Wow, that's really high.  lLt's hope it'l be something easily brought back under control.  What do triglycerides do to you that is harmful?  I mean, I know you're supposed to stay away from them, but I don't know why.wtb,
my husband's were 1465 at one point.  he was considered to be pre-dibetic also.  with a total change in diet he has lab work back to normal. you might try 2 tablespoons of organic extra virgin olive oil every night as it is known to lower trigycerides.  might be worth a try. the change of diet takes commitment. good luck!!!
holy crap, wantto... that's high!!  I remember once mine was 397 and I caught all kinds of hell for it...  I had just delivered my fourth child and the OB was ticked off at me!!
I hope it comes down w/ watching your diet for a couple of weeks...
I need to get these tests done too....  I hate it.
maybe I'll be good for a month or so first......  The thing is I really don't see how my eating could have done this. I have been eating 1200 calories a day. My normal meal plan for the day is Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat for breakfast made with skim milk.  Healthy salad- no fatty fillers for lunch or soup. Most nights some kind of chicken, potatoes and a veggie. Red meat 1 x per week. Maybe  a pork chop (Lean center cut). I have a mini candy bar after lunch sometimes and either a half serving of icecream or my 1 serving of cruscik after dinner (which I read the box and they swear it's 140 calories, 6 grms fat and 1 sugar.
Do I really have to give up all my sugar!
Mabus 2 tbs of oil is 240 calories
Linncn- the doctor said tryglercerides this high can cause pancreas problems and I forget what else- the number just floored me.
Babs- I don't know if being good helps- my mom is prone to high tryglecerides too like your numbers even on cholesteral medicine and she does watch her sweets. I wonder if it's just a genetic thing. 976- tho! Well -I guess it could be worse-mabus's husband was in the 1400's!!!!
ok.. playing devil's advocate.
Maybe it was higher and your being good helped???
stay on that diet for the time your dr wants.. and see..  ????
No- I was eating that way before the test for at least 4-6 weeks. prior to that I was not doing much different but eating 1400 calories a day. That is weird.  I was going to say, my husband got rid of his high triglycerides by eating oatmeal every day. ?
I was reading about a thyroid issue or sjogrens (can't remember which....been reading about both recently) and it said something about high triglycerides?Katie- she did say the thyroid could cause this. My levels right now are just slightly abnormal- she will be checking them too in 3 weeks.

Yikes...That is high!...You take care of your self. I didn't know that Thyroid causes sugar to go up. best wishes and keep us posted.

WOW!! That was indeed a need to call you to come in.
Well, I hope it comes down fast and that it was probably just somethings you ate before they tested you.
Keep us posted!
Mine were very high when I was first diagnosed hypothyroid.  It took about 6 months of medication (Synthroid) before they were back to normal.My doctor does think I either am or I'm heading to be hypothyroid. Instead of just putting me on the med she says we'll retest that in 3 weeks too.
I have always been very happy with her but both my mom & dad had thyroid issues and my brother and she knows that.  I have been complaining to her since August about terrible fatigue, always feeling cold and anxiousness.
I can't remember but I think I listed what I eat on a daily basis and it doesn't warrant this number.  Do I really have to cut out a mini candy bar after lunch and 1/4 cup of ice cream after dinner? What the heck is there to life?
wanttobeRAfree2008-10-31 19:46:05WTBRAF - Lovaza is merely concentrated omega-3 fats from fish oil.  4 capsules is about 3 grams of omega-3's... and they charge about 0 for a months' worth.  Lovaza is a good product, but IMHO they charge about 5x too much for it.  You can get highly purified and concentrated omega-3's over the counter for much cheaper.  Insurance companies aren't real keen on paying for Lovaza because of this. JR- after my doctor mentioned the Lovaza she said the reason for the prescription version was that you just can't possibly get the same strength in an over the counter product. Also said they cause fish burps which turns me off because not only do I hate when things repeat on me but I HATE FISH. Now the cost is turning me off too. I got to get myself right without this crap. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]JR- after my doctor mentioned the Lovaza she said the reason for the prescription version was that you just can't possibly get the same strength in an over the counter product. Also said they cause fish burps which turns me off because not only do I hate when things repeat on me but I HATE FISH. Now the cost is turning me off too. I got to get myself right without this crap.Oh and btw - omega-3 supplementation greatly reduces my pain and inflammation - which is why I take it.  But they are hard on the liver too correct or no? [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]But they are hard on the liver too correct or no?[/QUOTE]

Never had a problem; never ran across any research showing liver problems from taking a few grams of omega-3's per day.  I've been taking concentrated omega-3's for years.  My bloodwork (liver, kidney, blood lipids, etc) has always been great.
While we're on the subject of fish oil can anyone tell me if it's ok to take fish oil capsules with blood pressure meds?  I just started taking Coreg 6.25mg X2 daily last week and I noticed that in the printouts the pharmacy gave me that it says to be careful of OTC vitamins and supplements while taking this drug.
Bob H.
[QUOTE=bob_h76]While we're on the subject of fish oil can anyone tell me if it's ok to take fish oil capsules with blood pressure meds?  I just started taking Coreg 6.25mg X2 daily last week and I noticed that in the printouts the pharmacy gave me that it says to be careful of OTC vitamins and supplements while taking this drug.