Hmmm... | Arthritis Information


Who am I?  I've made a lot of enemies.  One of them just figured out something really cool. 

MUCH better than the government handouts!
Looks like the good vs evil has been at it again tonight? Can you guess who is the good and who is the evil?
I did not make my million grand tonight either. seems I did not even get a 100 grand. How sad! I guess I was not an early enough bird to catch the 100 grand worm LMAO!
I swear I have been craving a 100 Grand since the other night. I will have to look for one today.
Good vs Evil... Na not really, no competion here....I think of AA more as my PET....all pets are mostly like puppys they will follow you around, stay close to your heels, very loyal, meet you and greet you as soon as you log in...So she is my CYBER PET....She is still in the "puppy stage" needs alot of attention.
God, I'm being such a bitch today, lol, what am I saying?  I'M ALWAYS A BITCH, LOL.Nice AA......
Wondering it my pet is more like a troll......
Maybe AA is acting out because you need to take her for a walk? Do not forget the poo baggies and the rubber glove... as she might give you your first faux 100 grand LMAO!
You know on Caddy Shack, when the baby ruth is floating around in the pool and everyone thinks it is poo and then bill murray's charater eats it?
Well... that is what I was thinking of when I made the faux 100 grand reply.
So... in this case... it could be one persons "trash" is another persons "treasure". LMAO!!!!
Oh... sorry... wrong saying. My bad!
