Trick or Treating Pain | Arthritis Information


Anyone else in bad pain today from trick or treating last night?

 I took my kids from 3 until 7 and I feel like sh**t today.  I couldn't sleep last night so I had to take a pain killer so I got about 3 hours of sleep.  My 4 year old also has hockey at 9:45 this morning and I don't want to get off the couch.
Hope all you other mom's are feeling better than me today, have a good one!!!

I could not imagine dealing with RA and having small children. Hugs to you...


HEY your a HOCKEY MOM....Kool

Pretty tired myself.  My little guy has actually been pretty sick.  We ended up in the ER on Wednesday night with a fever of 105.  His 5th birthday was Thursday so they sang to him at midnight.  Ended up being diagnosed with strep and pneumonia.  We did get the ok yesterday from his pediatrician to do a scaled back trick or treating.  He lasted about 25 min.  But, of course, it was 25 min uphill the whole time.  It was a pretty built up neighborhood so he got a ton of candy.  He was supposed to have soccer today but obviously not.  His bday party was also rescheduled.  We will try to have the family one tomorrow.

Hope everybody else had a good trick or treating experience.  Cutest costumes I saw were two twin  little girls dressed as bats.  Adorable.
I sorry about your son rocckyd.  Hopefully he will feel back to normal soon.  ER visits are no fun, especially on your birthday!  Glad he got to get some trick or treating in!! I was so pooped from all of the prep of just getting to Halloween - class parties, making costumes, 3 kids with big projects due Friday, and general life stuff, that I let hubby take the two youngest boys trick or treating, and let my oldest pass out candy. We didn't have hardly any trick or treaters tho. I think since it was a Friday night a lot of people were at h.s. football games or church parties. Anyways, I have way too much candy leftover. Hmmm, what to do with it???