Med ? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know a good over the counter medicine for major herpes-like sores?  The kind you get on your lips and inside your mouth?  I have a major infestation going on and need to get something asap!!!

Edited: Because I am not stupid

inflamedOnline2008-11-23 15:46:26
Deleted out of respect for others.
AchingAudrey2008-11-06 19:46:02

Save yourself the cash in buying OTC junk.  Go see your pcp as soon as possible and get some Zovirax cream.  It is about the only thing that I've found to work on cold sores.  It always kicks their butt when I get one.  Abreva might be about the only other thing that might help out with them and it's cheaper than Zovirax.  The Zovirax was like 0 for two 5g tubes.

Bob H.
I got your pm...sorry I really didn't know that wasn't you that posted the original.  Well at least now you'll be prepared if it does happen for real.  But again...sorry my mistake.  Actually when I looked at the two profiles I did see something strange I should have known better.
bob_h762008-11-01 19:17:22

Thank you Bob for the correction

inflamedOnline2008-11-23 15:45:45I am sorry... but every time I read the "You suck" I think to myself "big hairy donkey balls." Not because I think AA does or anything, but that is just what I say in real life when something sucks. I tell me hubby, when he does something I think sucks, "You suck... BIG hairy donkey balls!" and say it in an old asian accent. Then he laughs. and then I reply with Yeah... HAHAHA... but you STILL SUCK! Joonie,  thanks to you I have a WHOLE NEW VISUAL. .....