Breakfast | Arthritis Information


This morning I had for breakfast:

1.Hazelnutcream coffee with French Vanilla creamer
3. Synthroid
4. Lasix
5. Lisinopril
6. Plaquenil
7. Vicodin
8. B6 Vitamin
9. Finished up with my Betaseron injection.
So I sits back, loosen the belt, relax from such a FULL meal. What away to start a day. Hey....wait...Hubby is frying Bacon....ummm smellin good.
The BACON was delish!!! It was the thick kind...smelled wonderful and cooked to perfection....I love my husband.I never eat bacon, but the smell of it is one of the BEST smells ever. The rest of your meal isn't exactly mouth watering though.  [/QUOTE]
the shot a every other day thingyMmmm...bacon...sounds yummy. 
I only have bacon on Christmas Morning as a treat...when I met my husband, he was eating bacon almost everyday! 
Nice of your husband to make your breakfast for you...well...the yummy part anyway

thats kinda "catchy"....In my bestes singing voice....(clears voice)..hummmm...On th first day of Breakfast my Doctor prescribed for me 1 Metroprolo, on the second day of Breakfast my doctor prescribed for me 2 zolof, 1 Metropolo....lalalalala

Oh Great now I will have this song in my head all day! Thanks SnowOwl!

[QUOTE=SnowOwl]Jas you could sing your list to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas". 