diagnosis questions | Arthritis Information


diagnosed with ra several years ago.  but i wonder about also having fibro. i feel so dang bad, and its not the joints its this overall pain, like the flu. this has been going on - for several years, off and on. but really escalating this last year. it will just come on for 4 or 5 days and then ease off.  it's quite depressing.  i have mentioned these symptoms to my docs; chest pain, inability to concentrate, heart palpitations, but havent really stressed the overall pain, because i thought that was part of my ra.  my ra doc said i was just aging (the concentration thing) and that ra wouldnt cause chest pain.  my regular doc put my on a heart machine and said i was fine. she also shrugged off my lack of concentration. i mean, it's a serious lack of concentration - i think i might be getting alzhiemer. i'm 43.

so after reading up on fibro i am going back to my doc with more questions.  do you have any suggstions for me? what do i ask? how do you really diagnose fibro? what would you say is the hallmark of fibro? and will it matter for me to get a diagnosis? will it help somehow?

I also have RA and was just recently diagnosed with fibro.  My rheumy told me it was fairly common for people with RA to get both.  In part because of the difficulty getting deep sleep with RA.  I would again mention the symptoms you noted with your doc and make sure he knows that the pain isn't just in the joints.  If he won't listen it might be time to get a second opinion/

thanks for your input. how are you dealing with your fibro?  any good book recommendations?  i was wondering about doing an elimination diet also..have you tried that?

my doc is at a rheumatology convention this week, so am on hold...hope he learns some good stuff


We have been trying to get this fibro board more active. Hope to see you post often.

I have OA and was recently diagnosed with fibro...this summer. I truthfully have had a very difficult managing this. It is so very painful and different everyday and so very hard for family to understand. The symptoms are so varied, I go through new and different pains daily...rib pain, burning aching pain, chest pain, muscle/ joint pain and I think the worst must be the fog...I sometimes feel so stupid!!!!!

A few weeks ago I forgot how to spell my grandsons name.....can you imagine? I asked my doctor if she thought I was totally losing my mind. I constantly lose things in the house and feel like I spend all my time searching for things, lost a whole bags of apples last week, no idea where they went. Anyway she said, "no. its the fibro"

Today I am in so much pain, weather is changing and I feel like screaming "Enough I have had Enough"!!!!!!!!!

 I currently take Cymbalta, an antidepressant which is supposed to help fibro and pain also...it has helped some..more in the beginning I think and I also take pain med. and recently starting taking Ambien for the insomnia....which strikes me every few weeks, which only makes the pain worse. I  have seen a rheumy, but mostly find my RD is much better in treating my fibro.

Welcome to the site. Hope to hear from you soon.


No great recommendations here. Was just diagnosed about two weeks ago myself although I've been pretty sure for awhile.  Just dealing with things one day at a time.  In my case it isn't so much the pain (more problems on the RA end as far as that's concerned), My problem is more with screwing up words and never being able to remember the little things.  I've learned to make lists and keep them where I won't miss them.  Doc put me on trazodone which is an anti-depressant but is supposed to help get more deep sleep but a positive attitude seems to help more than anything.  The other thing that drives me nuts is I can't seem to type anymore without hitting the wrong keys!

i am soooo suprised that fogginess and loss of concentration is a syptom of fibro. never would have known, but have been doing some web researching.  (which is not very encouraging) the non-disease.

i'm asking people the same questions over and over, honest, within like a 5 minute time frame!  i've had a meditation practice for years now, and this year has been really dissapointing and disconcerting for me.  i always have thought that "mindfulness" and concentration is like a muscle in your mind that can be strengthened, but i'm on a downhill slope. 


I was sent to the Rheumatologist by the Orthopedic surgeon because he thought I had Fibro. The Rheumatologist was not real quick to diagnose me with it but did the usual blood work and when I went back he told me I had RA. He then told me later that I also had the Fibro. I was already taking the Cymbalta and have been for almost a year. Cant say that it has really helped. I also have the "memory" problem. I am a walking space cadet. I have to make lists all the time. I feel pretty stupid at times. I have been known to jumble my words also. When the weather changes I really hurt. I have been using the de-humidifier and I think it really helps. We live in a humid area of the US. I read where the wind really gets to people with fibro and I can vouch for that.

There are people who have RA that have the "flu" like feelings often. I am one of them and there is also a name for it which I cant recall....LOL

As much as I hate it, when I quit working I felt better. The stress seems to aggrivate the disease proccess. In the meantime, I just take things one day at a time. Some days I feel good and some days I dont. Some days I am really depressed and I just try to find the good. 

This site is great because I have discovered I am not alone. For what seemed a long time I did feel alone with these diseases.


ok when you think of the name of the flu like symptom let me know.

i also live in a windy wet world..i always feel better in a dry climate. i'm in washington state. drove to eastern washington to camp with the family several years ago..almost didnt go because i was feeling so bad didnt think i could make the drive (3 hrs). it was sooo weird but by the time i got there i felt great and continued to feel good all weekend.  the drive home was the same in reverse.  i'm always telling my doc there is something to all those folks movin to arizona!  my skin is sooo dry and itchy, i'm afraid to try any de-humidifying. 

doesnt look like there are actual treatments for fibro - drug wise. am i missing something? 


I don't think there is a cure for Fibro but it sure would be nice if we could all have a nice hot tub to sit in when we felt bad. I know I would be in it every day!

Does anyone use any of theose OTC pain rubs? I have used the heat wraps and they do help to a certain extent. I did use the heat pad once on my shoulder and fell asleep and when I woke up it was on my boob and I had a nice burn with a blister from it. OUCH! Don't us e the heat pad too much anymore......LOL


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