OT not meant | Arthritis Information


not meant to "inflame" anyone. My daughter showed this to me. I thought it was cute.
You can vote for whoever you like!.........seriously!
Worth one little *bump*I think so!  I loved it THAT WAS GREAT. No matter who you vote for.

Isn't it so sad that Obama's grandma died today. The day before the election.   I am sure she deserves a lot of the credit for how gifted he is!Those kids were students of the Ron Clark Academy -- there was a tv movie about Clark, he is quite a dedicated teacher and I believe started the academy from his book/movie money.  An inspirational and caring individual.   

My daughter is a school teacher and she was so impressed with how well spoken the children were in interviews she watched. She said the school is wonderful but you can tell the parents have played a part in the kids education. As a school teacher that is her biggest concern, alot of kids that fall through the cracks, start falling through at home. I suspect it its true. I see how hard she works.

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