Scans Reveal Brain Abnormalities in Fibromyalgia P | Arthritis Information


This is an intertesting discovery, which proves fibromyalgia is a condition with real pysiological properties, so I wish papers would refrain from headlines such as "Fibromyalgia all in the Brain"....drrrrrrr.....

Scans Reveal Brain Abnormalities in Fibromyalgia Patients wonder if this will make getting a brain scan of some kind a standard for DXing other than the tender points.?Thanks to you too Gimpy.  This is similar to what Katie posted and I appreciate all this information very much.Ooooo leave it to Gimpy to beat me to the posting!!!!

Nice, isn't it Gimpy??? I'm excited....
Yes, it's very nice. I have friends with FM and it's hard to have a disease with no visible symptoms or cause. This is a great discovery for them.