Pain: Which is it? | Arthritis Information


Ok... so yesterday when I woke up I had that pain, I had last October that sent me to the ER, in my right upper thigh again. It was not as bad as that time, but still it was pain and in the same darn spot.

Tonight... I am laying here surfing the internet and then the same spot and pain came back.
It is like a sharp, stabbing, jabbing pain that runs down my thigh. It feels like it orginates in my hip area and then runs down my thigh to the inside area of my knee. Kinda does like a curve. Starts from the outside of my right hip runs down my thigh to the inside of my knee.
My right knee is a little more swollen than it has been, and has been having a dull thorbbing pain for a week now. But not that is not easily ignorable.
But the recent pain I have been exerpirencing is a little less ignorable. 1 - because last time I went to the ER because the pain would not stop and pain meds I had done nothing for it. 2 - afraid it might get bad like it did last time and I soo do not want to go to the ER.
I am just wondering what is causing this pain? Fibro, RA, pinched nerve, or muscle spasm.
Those above options are what Dr's I have seen for this problem has said is what is causing this pain. The ER told me it was arthritis and muscle spasm. And the arthritis they were referring to was not RA, but to OA.
I wonder if it will go away again when I get my Remicade infusion again.
Sciatica (sp)...sounds like it.

That is what everyone on here, the board, has been saying since I told of these symptoms. I told them to the neurologist, and he said it was pinched nerve causing it. He said it gets worse the more inflammation on my spine that is compressing the nerves.

I told my RD about it, and she said it was fibro.
I do not know... I just know it was around this same time last year that this problem got to its worst, and then the problem just lingered. And now it is back to being more of a problem.
I have been up all night with these sharp shooting stabbing pain running throughout my right thigh. My knee is very warm to the touch and just aches. My hip aches. I cannot roll over in bed well.
I do not know. I just wish it will go away!
Joonie I get that at times that sends me to the ER too. I think it is the fibro from everything I ve been told.  It kinda feels like an intenxe charlie horse that wont go away.  the only thing that seems to take it away is the two shots of whatever the ER gives me. (unsure of what the shots are, I think one is fentyal but at that point I dont care what it is.Oh dont use heat it seems to make it worse, ice does help just a littleSounds exactly like sciatica to me (I have it, too, and those are the areas that hurt)