"Flu" Going Around where you are? | Arthritis Information


So I was sick for about the past 2 weeks, it was viral (strep was negative, throat not sore) and I couldn't figure it out.  I think I'm finally getting over it.  Tired, out of it, achey, wanted to be in bed.  But no fever, only about 99 anyway.  Just took forever to shake.

So now everyone at work is saying they have the flu, not a stomach flu, but THE flu.  I felt like I did, but never had the fever and figured I didn't because of that.  I blamed a lot of it on plaquenil I think.
Would MTX keep me from having a fever?  This is what I can't find an answer to.  My son has been the same way though, SO cranky but no high fever, stomach issues or anything, just sniffles and I don't think he's feeling well.
Having had the flu, I don't think this is really it--I mean the flu for real is SO bad.  But I dunno....
Isn't the real flu respiratory?I dunno!  I had some sneezing, a bit of coughing, and a drippy nose for quite a while.  But no really sore throat.  I don't usually get lower resp. problems, thank god for that...I think it must be a really bad virus.  there is "something" going around my area... my husband and middle son have had a cough for two weeks.. they are exhausted.. and cannot shake it despite taking meds and extra C.....
I have put the word out that my husband sleeps in the office til cured  Yeah, I've had a cough and stuffy nose for a week or so now.  It's a bad cough too.  Wheezing, I'm up all night.  SHould I skip my enbrel and mtx?  I was supposed to take it yesterday but I thought I should ask my doc.  But his office is closed, so I'm not sure what to do.I had something like this a few months back and it took me three weeks to shake it.  And it wasn't just me but my wife and my dad (he lives with us since mom passed)  We were all miserable during this time.  The really funny thing is I was the first to get rid of it and I caught it from my wife.  So much for beat up immune systems huh? 
You are correct, the flu is respiratory.  If you've ever had a flu test, and they aren't pleasant, they shove a dacron swab back into your nose to get a sample and then send it to the lab to be confirmed.  It takes about 5-10 minutes to do the test and it will tell you which strain you have too.  (I'm a lab tech and have done more of these than I want to see in a lifetime)
feel better
Bob H.
Linn:  It might not be a bad idea to skip the enbrel and mtx at least until you can touch base with your doc. 
bob_h762008-11-04 18:04:58
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