My son is in Hospital | Arthritis Information


My son is in the hospital. he is 21. Some of you seen his picture. Anyhow, he had what we thought was a spider bite, been going to the doc ( daily) since Friday (except for Sunday) they kept him coming back for a recheck and kept infusing him with antibiotics plus on antibiotics pills,  pain killers, his arm looks terrible. I was pissed when I seen it. made him go to hospital they admitted him. Checking for MRSA.......They drained it. May have to have surgery. I don't  know. I am getting ready to go to hospital. I lovde my kids. He is so independent. Thank god he has excellent insurance.And is otherwise in excellent health. He is in the pipe fitters Union. I pray it is NOT MRSA.

My thoughts are with you Lisa.

Both my sons had MRSA (they are 10 and 12). Took awhile to finally get it to disappear but so far they have been free and clear for 2-1/2 months. As long as he is on top of it he should be fine.Sorry to hear about your son.  Keep us posted!I'll be praying for a correct diagnosis and a quick response to treatment.  And for his mommy's peace of mind :)Oh my goodness Lisa, I'm sorry to hear about your son. I hope it is not mrsa and he heals quickly. It's hard for boys that age to admit they need their mommies, but they do. He is lucky he has such a good one! Make sure you take good care of yourself as well. It's easy to get all wrapped up in our  children during an illness and we forget to take our meds or to get rest ourselves. Try to nap when he does.  I will offer up a special prayer for you and your family.
Take care,

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:39:45Hoping that he is ok.  Prayers for him and you.  Hope it is diagnosed and treated quickly.I hope all turns out well for your son.  PLease keep us posted.  Hiking_gal

Good thing he has you there to keep an eye on him and point him in the right direction, like the ER.   Keep us posted -

Yikes- have they found out what it is yet?   Prayers going up that the find out what it is and successfully treat it.I hope it all turns out alright and he gets well soon.
Keep us posted and take care of yourself too.
Hey I just got home from a very long day at hospital. I want to thank everyone for the Prayers and the well wishes. I sincerely appreciate it. They are treating it as MRSA even though they are not 100 %. They have to wait 72 hours for the cultures. The doctor said he is 100% sure it is staff infection. He believes it will be MRSA because of all the treatmnet he has recieved and it just kept getting worse. Well when I got there today oh my....the swelling and fire redness had moved up to his elbow, his forearm is twice the size of his bicep and he is a strapping young man. He looked like a one armed Popeye. His doctor is consulting with a infectious disease doctor and we should see him in the morning. So I will get up extra early so I can get my joints moving and get to the hospital early enough to talk to this specialist. It only took 15 + hours to get him  to his room. He is in a controlled Isolation room. ....Also got a message that my childhood best friends mother died today. Special  prayers are needed for this family. Martha Hicks was a great lady, she been through a lot in her life, Her eldest son was Steven Hicks , who was Jeffery Dalhmers first victim. Really a long story there. But she died of cancer today. I am sad. I now live several hours away and do not know if I can make the funeral yet. Depends on my son. Thanks everyone for reading tis very long post. Sorry to her about your friend's mother. I hope you are wearing a mask and gloves and taking precautions. If your son has something you may get it. Especially if you are on biologics or a pred user. So being cautious and so should you.
take care
Sorry to hear of all the sadness going on in your life....I hope your son makes a good recovery. Thinking of you
