Arthrocentesis of the Jaw | Arthritis Information


So, met with Dr. Kevorkian today.  He was not pleased with the MRI that I had last week.  Turns out there is quite a bit of fluid and damage.  Basically, the miniscus on each side in destroyed.  Fun.  We were hoping that the damage would have been caused by osteoarthritis.  That is apparantly pretty common with TMJ issues.  Unfortunately, it is all RA.  That sucks!  He really wants to get in and clean out the joint but it seems that it not the best plan with the Ra.  He says that since the disease process will continue, he can't risk speeding up the arthritis by messing with the joint.  Instead, he is recommending arthrocentesis.  It is done under general anesthetic but is pretty quick.  Unfortunately, he wants to do it the Wed. before Thanksgiving.  He only does this procedure on Wednesdays and that way I can have Thurs. and Friday off from work anyway.  I should be able to go back to work that next week-well, if I break out the science videos.  I have no sick days, especially after my little guy has had the double pneumonia the past week.  Those were days off without pay.  Also, I have met my deductible for the year so we need to get it in before Jan.  And, if he ends up wanting to do more, he can get in again before '09.

I don't know.  I just hate the thought of having my jaw messed with.  Anyone else have this done?  I am sure I am overanalyzing...I tend to do that pretty well.  I always thought my knees or shoulders would be first.
Rebecca - I have had TMJ problems all my adult life, nothing like what you are dealing with, but its also never been connected to my RA, yet.  I hope someone in here can give you some tips, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you.  Huggles ~~ Cathy
Edited to say "Dr. K"?  Come on, its not THAT bad, right?  LOL
justsaynoemore2008-11-06 19:15:14
That's his name.  Apparantly I get a shirt that says "I survived anesthisia with Dr. Kevorkian"
Ah, the things we look forward too....
Oh my
I thought that was a joke Thanks for posting!  I'm not sure if you saw my post.  The oral surgeon I saw was entirely unhelpful.  No MRI or anything, so not sure about discs, but I have erosions on one side. I know the discs were messed up before.  He said there was nothing he could do (but didn't seem interested in having anything to do with my care).  Said I needed to get RA under control, focus on that.Best of luck to you-wow-it doesn't sound pleasant at all. The timing stinks too. I know what you mean about getting it in before the deductible will be due all over again...
Sorry the news was not as you hoped. Let us know how you make out.
Awww, you have to miss Thanksgiving dinner? Can't he do it the week after?