MTX - | Arthritis Information


I cannot believe the difference just two doses of MTX has made! I cannot believe I put this off taking this drug for seven years.  I have had RA for twelve years and my rheumo finally convinced me to try it before it was too late and any more damage had happened. I thought that overall I was doing good with my previous medications, ( except for the damage I have), but went ahead and filled the prescription. It had been sitting in the pantry for over a year! 

For the first time in five years, I was able to work in shoes with NO orthodic inserts and had no pain in my ankles or bottoms of my feet. I have to stand ( and walk) on cement floors and usually come home and have to put my feet up. I was able to run several hours worth of errands after work today instead of hitting the couch for my usual nap.  My costochondritis and shoulder pain has also eased up. I have had the costo for about two months now.

 Thanks to you that helped me in this decision from your positive posts when I asked the question about schedule changes when taking MTX.  It really helped that first dose go down a little easier.  I don't know if I would have done it otherwise. 

I hope it will kick in for you. I have heard it takes months for some and weeks for others. My RA was in a pretty much " calm state" with a flare up when the colder weather hit three weeks ago. My SED has returned to normal and my CRP was 2.3 which isn't terrible the last time I check it several months ago. That may have been why it worked more quickly since I didn't have  a lot for it to fight right now.

I hope it will continue to work and this isn't a fluke. I was able to shop for several hours yesterday which is unusual as generally my ankles feel broken.

My dose is equal to 12.5 which I guess would be 5 pills.   

Good luck to you and I hope you feel better soon. 



I am so glad to hear that the MTX is working so well for you.  I am sorta like you...Don't like to take many medications.  I was on MTX and Placq/Azulfidine and it seem to work well for a long time but then  it was not keeping my inflammation down, as my Rheumy would say, "I was in Peri-RA all the time"...LOL.   I never did have a remission.  So she told me I had to eventually go on a biologic...HMMM, not wanting to do that...I suffered in silence until one day, I went into the office, all ready to turn down the Enbrel again and mid sentence I looked at her and said "what the hades let's just do it"...I walked out of there with a Enbrel shot in my leg and three to for later use...I think it may be working...

Good luck Leslie, with the MTX and I hope that it keeps on working.



They may have to adjust your amount of MTX (I took 22.5 mg of MTX, 400 mg of Plaquenil and 1000 mg of Aulfidie, Ultram as needed) and may have to add something else like Azulfidine...ask your Doctor about adjusting it.  My fingers are crossed in hopes that you are soon feeling better...



Leslie....I'm so excited to hear it's working so well!! That's great news my friend....great news!!