Question about ANA | Arthritis Information


What does it mean when you ANA is positive at 1:320? I tried to read and understand it but with no success. Anyone have Lupus that may be able to help me understand this?My GP ran an ANA when I first started having joint pain.  My first result was  1:320(speckled pattern) and my RD thought it was probably elevated due to my Hashimotos.  Then, when he tested it several months later it was 1:1280 (with both speckled and homogoneous patterns) and he thought it was likely due to the RA.

I have a friend who has Lupus and she says her results fluctuate a lot.

I believe it is an indication that you have an autoimmune condition, but I don't believe it's specific for Lupus.  There are other antibodies they can run to determine if Lupus is the cause.

Our 26 year old daughter has been having joint pain and memory loss for the last few months. Also lots of muscle weakness and occasional numbing of her arms. They ran a whole lot of blood work (1200$ worth) and everything looked ok except for the ANA and it was speckled pattern. What does the speckled pattern mean?

I found this to be helpful when trying to understand my own ANA results. My doc considers 1:320 (what mine was) a weak positive, but since I have been negative for 2 years, I feel it is a change worth keeping an eye on.