Son Released! | Arthritis Information


So glad. His arm looks wayyyyyyyyyy better. They gave him antibiotic to finish up on and Vicodin for the pain. I learned that MRSA eats at the muscle....My son is a strapping strong young man so that darn MRSA had a feast on his arm. The pain med is because of the muscle thing. I understand it is very painful. He is to stay at home for one week and follow up with both docs then he should be able to return to work.
I also drove the 2 1/2 hours to console my friend whose mother passed away. I have known this family for at leat 35 years. I hadn't spoke with her mother for sometime but she still would send me christmas cards. I will miss it. She was such a loving momma. I drove up then back. Got home late last night. I am sooooo stiff and in so much pain.
Does anyone eles Pay the next day with fatigue,swelling, redness, pain ,Stiffness, for overdoing it?
Glad to hear the good news about your son  And I'm glad you got to be there to support your friend.  That means so much when you're grieving.  You are a good friend.Ditto.Glad to hear your son was released!
Sorry about the family friend.  I've got a "2nd mother" who turned 90 this year. Same thing- send cards but don't get together. Maybe I better do that some tome soon...

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:12:59 [QUOTE=inflamedOnline] So glad. His arm looks wayyyyyyyyyy better. They gave him antibiotic to finish up on and Vicodin for the pain. I learned that MRSA eats at the muscle....My son is a strapping strong young man so that darn MRSA had a feast on his arm. The pain med is because of the muscle thing. I understand it is very painful. He is to stay at home for one week and follow up with both docs then he should be able to return to work. Thanks everyone. I feel much better today. I rested for most of the day yesterday. My daughter called she is unwell. She is nursing my Grandson and now she thinks she is getting a breast infection. Red, tender inflamed spot on her breast. Oh the worries of motherhood never end.  Wouldn't change a thing about being a mother...except the times of worry.