thank you everyone. i think i need to skip tho. | Arthritis Information


i wanted to say first, that i appreciate the information and support everyone has given me in a view shifting 24 hours or so. i greatly appreciate it and i know it will help me and give me strength as i pursue treatment for whatever is causing my symptoms and in managing my ow care with greater awareness and diligence.. in a brief amount of time people have made a large difference in my life.. don't know if i can properly express my appreciation.

that being said, the hostility i have seen between members in the same amount of time, and startlingly from some of the same people who gave me so much support at a point of crisis, floors me. i hope to be a part of the community later when either i can grasp and accept the hostility between seemingly compassionate and considerate people... or when the community is less turbulent.

i don't want to add to the negative feelings or stir up any more confrontation. but i didn't want to post a desperate plea, express appreciation and community, then never disappear.. though it's not unusual in online communities it's always disappointing to me when i see it.  I will certainly be back when I have a diagnosis and a path to travel with management because without community like this i likely wouldn't have followed through nearly as aggressively as i intend to now.. thank you.
this community, everyone in it, makes a difference in peoples life.

ok...see ya when you decide to come back.Best of luck Joy, regards Janie. Joy - forums are definitely NOT one size fits all.  But fortunately there are lots to choose from!  I hope you find one that's a better fit for you. JasmineRain2008-11-08 18:14:56

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:14:46AA....sometimes we need to just Shhhhhhhhhh....

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:07:16What I mean is that sometimes in trying to explain the situation it just confirms the problem.
Sometimes a short explanation speaks volumes.

Often when we are in a crisis or trying to cope with health issues it is necessary to maintain an even, peaceful mindset.   If some people are interfering with that, then it is time to back off from them in order not to assume their toxicity.  Good Luck to you.

Skip on, baby. There are no chains here and there are many forums for you to grace. It's good to know that you live in such a world without arguement or debate, go there. It's no surprise that you give thanks and then slam our family. My choice is that you don't bother coming back. As they say south of the border, "Adios muchacha loca." If you can't find your way out, ask Phats to point ya to the door.
It really is a shame that when a new board member, who came to this site looking for companionship in her quest to learn more about RA, was ushered out of the forums by one single minded persons lack of emphathy, simply because she said something that person took offense to. 

It is sad that this happened when there was no real need for such a condescending remark to ever be made!!! A simple "glad to have met you and I hope that you find the right arthritis support board that you feel more comfortable using" would have been more than sufficient. 

The truth is, is that "joyfulgirl" made a statement that is not to far off the mark....right levlarry?  I mean... she descibed in her post as to why she was leaving this site and you come back at her with an attitude that could take down an elephant in it's tracks!!!

That is part of what she meant by the hostility that often rears it's ugly head in here.

So levlarry... "Adios muchacha loca." It's people like you that made me remember why I left here in the first place.

I am so glad to see that you must have read my previous posts about you coming to this forum for the sole purpose of advertising your forum and using our private message system to send invitations to your forum. Of course you realize that this is a pay for advertising forum but you are so lowlife that you steal advertising from this site. I'm glad I hit a nerve. When is the last time you were here for a purpose other than spamming? I don't think that a thief and a lowlife has any right to lecture me. If you stink like a spammer and you look like a spammer and you waddle like a spammer, you are a spammer. it's just that simple, got it?
IMHO... anyone who comes here w/ a need for true help and support will stay.. regardless of the OT postings.
When I first joined I didn't even READ the OT topics..because *I* was here for help.
Make you choice.... stay or go... but we really don't need the "explanation"  we may not even know you're gone. 
Well, being a new member myself. I think it adds atmosphere to the forum. Who wants to hear all the time that we hurt. It's depressing enough that we do. We all know about ra. It's a sucky ass disease. The meds only work for a short time, if they even do at all. And you live in pain everyday of your life. It only gets worse not better. The meds do more damge than good. There, I just summed up raI go to a restaurant for atmosphere....   I come here .. mostly to talk and learn RA... and contact friends...
And, it's fine if you don't like it here.... and things WILL settle down a bit now following the election...  

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:02:59I'm serious. I always have a bad day. None of that crap worked for me. Remicade only until I had a reaction on it 4 months after I started. Thats just my view on ra.LEV MUST BE ERNEST.............No one else complains about free advertising on this site ...he brings it up time and time again...............Take care.ra really sux - I like you, great attitude.  If you look this disease squarely and get it right in your head that it really does sux, but it makes it easier somehow, so I totally agree with you.   Plus I think all the other threads are interesting too, and I totally agree with you there - why would you just want to come hear and just read gloom and doom?  I have learned tons of stuff about nutrition to beading, its been a great site.  Good Luck to you Joy.
Truth about goodbyes like these is they just drum up more of the bickering. Personally I always thought it was strange when someone post one thread as a brand new member and then complains it's not for them. Who does that? You have nothing invested here.....move on. You don't owe anyone an explanation....unless of course you like to watch the sparks fly; then I guess you've done that.
I agree with you.
Wondering who like to see sparks fly??????
