OT: TMI Woman Problems Kinda | Arthritis Information


Ok... so I have noticed a pattern in my "monthly bills". I go 2-3 months of being very light and then all of a sudden it is like my insides are just pouring out of me. The months that are like that are the ones that have clots. And I seem to have a lot more crapping & cramping and pain.

Well... this month I started like 2-3 weeks TOO EARLY!!
A few months back I started a few weeks too late.
I spent all of Saturday in bed sleeping because of the pain from this "monthly bill". And taking pain meds to help ease the pain.
I wonder if this is from a cyst on my uterus?
My neurologist said the MRI of my lower back was noted that I had a cyst on my left ovary, and a cyst on my uterus. And told me to get them seen about. I already knew of the one on my ovary.
So... after this "monthly bill" is all paid up in full. I am going to make an appt with the ewwy goooey gyno.
Just wondering if anyone else ever had this problem or a cyst on their uterus?
joonie2008-11-09 07:17:42

Shame on you and this forum!

AchingAudrey2008-11-30 11:12:00

Well... that would not really be too far off the truth. When I get those "monthly bills", I do seem to do a lot of crapping. LOL!!! I know TMI. But I get a lot of diarrhea for those "monthly bills".

Thank You AA.
yes..the hormoanl flucuations that go along with the cysts can cause the irregular cycles.   Are birth control pills an option for you.  They can suppress the cysts and regulate your cycleMaybe it's fibroids. I have them and I have heavy bleeding, clots, crapping and cramping too. Even on the pill.
I had a myomectomy and edometerial ablation 2 years ago but the fibroids are back.
GYN says maybe I'll go into menopause before we have to do another surgery. Happy happy joy joy. Surgery or Menopause I choose........
I along with almost every other grown up JRA woman I know have this same sort of problem. We believe it's a hormonal thing related to the JRA and/or methotrexate as we all started on it at very young ages and have been on it for years, including during puberty. Definitely go see your gyno. If you're not comfortable with the one you currently have go to a new one. There's tons out there and some are definitely better than others. I had "issues" for years with no answer from my gyno as to what was occurring until I switched to a new one, went in for one visit and they immediately said oh well you have this just take these and you'll be fine, and I have been.  Joonie.....I agree with wanttobe, I had the same probs and had a hysterectomy 10 years ago because of the situation. So, could be fibroids but hopefully the Gyno will find out the cause and it wont be long until you are 100% regular again. Well, with THAT problem  anyways!!
Lyn xx
I had very heavy flow for awhile but it was part of perimenopause.  It passed, although I know women who had hysterectomies because of it.  I think you're not there yet.Thanks for the replies everyone!
I will call and make an appt, probably end of this week.

Well... that would not really be too far off the truth. When I get those "monthly bills", I do seem to do a lot of crapping. LOL!!! I know TMI. But I get a lot of diarrhea for those "monthly bills".

Thank You AA.
You can sure still crack me up
I'm glad you are making an apt.
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