OT SUNDAY SUNDAY!!! | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone and what is everyone up to today???? Me I am playing catch up here at home. I've just got pork steaks prepped and thrown in the crockpot with gravy to simmer for the rest of the day, I am making a big pot of smashed potatoes with cheese and bacon, then I am making hamburger gravy with mushrooms, garlic, and onions. This is my catch up day. I am working 6 days a week right now so this is the day I cook for most of the week, do the big loads of laundry, straighten up the house, and work on a few of my other projects. I don't know what the week is like for the rest of you but by the time I get home at night get things settle, check in on my daughter and get my husband's supper ready when he wakes up, he works 3rds, it is all most time to go to bed. I've gotten to a point I turn the phone off when I get home at night because I don't want to talk to anyone since the phone is literally glued to my ear all day long. Hubby is out mowing the lawn which will probably be hopefully the last time for the season. I am going to finish up getting the meals made then I am going to sit down with a pepsi, no coke, pepsi and work on my needlecrafts for awhile. A Sundays it just feels so good!!! So what are you guys up to???? xoxoxoxo meme Meme.........where in MI?  I live there too.  PM me : )  My hot tub I cleaned yesterday and will need to refill so won't be doing that..........have boneless pork ribs in the crock pot just like every Sunday.  Just chillin with the kids.  Saturday is the cleaning catch up day : )  Good rest of the weekend to everyone!Just getting over a cold so I ended up going shopping today since I wasn't able to go on my regular shopping day.  The stores are crazy today!  So many people...now I know why I usually shop during the week. 

 I've had a roast in the oven for a while now and it smells so good.  I'll probably do some scrapbooking and then get started on a scarf that my daughter asked me to knit.  Then after supper I'll head on over to  my daughter's (just a few blocks over) and we'll go for a walk.
Add me to the Pepsi group...well...diet pepsi. Diet coke is crap....but I do like the coke zero.
I agree with you on the Pepsi.  Love diet Pepsi and only coke zero!I did some Christmas shopping, got a few people checked off the list. Got a bunch of stocking stuffer candy at Walgreens. Got teared up in there. 2nd time I was all welled up in a store this weekend. First time I was buying a Christmas card for my son and it siad One day he is reaching up for your hand...the next he is bending down to kiss you good-bye. I miss him so much when he's at college. Today a lady was asking the store clerk for help finding a fiber optic tree she saw advertised. Of course they were clueless and went to look and there was 1 left sitting on the floor right by me so I called over to her- heres one! She was so happy, thanked me over and over again. Her husband came over next and she said here's the tree I wanted for Walter's hospital room and she got all choked up and was crying and then so did I.... Like I know Walter or something. had to high tail it out of that aisle. Wannabe what a sap you are.

Now I am contemplating making a new oatmeal cookie recipe. I'm making pork marsala with mushrooms for dinner with asparagus and probably a side of rice but everyone's smashed potatoes (as well as the rest of their menus) sound so good maybe I'll make them instead.

Boo hoo I don't want to go to work tomorrow! I want Sunday to last a couple more days!
All your menus sounds delish. I had an uncrustable a bit ago (a little round frozen PB&J). I am just starting to eat since the car accident 3 wks ago. I've just been so nauseaus because of the neck pain. I've lost another 10lbs, or so and my doctors are freaking out.

It's been raining for days, so today is definitely a jammie day and frozen lasagne for dinner.

Wanttobe, It feels wonderful to be able to help people like that. I'm glad you found the tree!

We had my daughters friend and little boy tyler here today, hes only 5 months old and lovely. I cooked a big pot of stew and dumplings, it was yummy and cousin was here too for dinner so we had a big table full of people and the baby held centre stage..lol..we went for a walk later which helped my legs as they have been hurting bad. We went to a 21st last night so probably didnt help much although i sat for most of the evening. well off to bed now as its past midnight....So good night to everyoneI am fom the Tricities I am north of Saginaw. AA to me the blue ridge parkway and the smokies is just spectacular I have seen the Rockies but until you see the Smokey mountains right after sunrise you haven't seen anything, it just takes your breath away. The clouds are so low that it feels like you can literally reach out and touch them!!! I have laundry done, I have the house clean I have my cooked dishes done everything was spectacular and now I am going off to bed. I am so sleepy right now and bed sounds so good. The good thing this week is I am off on on Tuesday due to Vet's day so hubby and I will go do some window shopping and pick up the last of the Christmas gifts this way everyone is done and I can concentrate on getting Christmas treats doen. Hey guys do we want to start a topic on treats for the Holidays, what ya think???? meme"Hey guys do we want to start a topic on treats for the Holidays, what ya think???? meme"
Great idea meme, I am looking for some new cookie recipes myself!
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