Question:) | Arthritis Information


Oscar's mtx dosage was recently increased and he switched from pills to injections.

This past Friday was his 3rd shot.  The first week he did really great (no side effects what so ever) and he looked great (better than he ever has after taking his mtx when he was on the pills).  Last weekend he was a little tired the day after his injection.  Now this weekend he has done pretty well but he is complaining that his chest is hurting.  Is that something that could be a side effect of the increase?  He has had Costochondritis before but it has been a very long time.  He is running a low grade fever but that is not unusual for him.  He is not coughing or having any other problems.  He just said his chest is aching off and on.
I use injectable mtx, but I've no experience with such a problem.  I would dig out the info sheet that comes with mtx, and reread that.  If you're comfortable waiting until tomorrow morning, then contact his RA doc then,or if your insurance has an advice nurse you can call, perhaps contact her.
Has your son been around anyone sick, or out in a crowd, maybe he's coming down with something?  Sorry Pam, I'm not much help.  I hope Oscar's better soon.

All chest pains would worry me. Maybe he should be checked out. I would prefer to error on the safe side with chest pains.

Oh he's your son. How old is he?while it could be a million little things... I understand your concern.  There is something going around here in PA with a cough and chest tightness... the coughing makes the chest area hurt.  Is he coughing?
Does he always run a slight fever>?
Thanks you guys.
He is 15. 
Babs, he is't coughing and he is not congested or having a sore throat.  He does run low grade fevers a lot and since his fingers have been so swollen the fevers are pretty much every evening.  He seems to be feeling good except that his chest is achey.  It might be arthritis.  His rd said it would take some time for the increase to kick in and work for him.
I am going to call her tomorrow and keep him out of PE tomorrow.  No school Tuesday.

I would definitely call the dr. tomorrow.  I have sternum inflammation and now have cartilidge destruction.  It seems it doesn't happen often...but it sucks!  Mine started as a teen-before I was diagnosed.  Plus, our kids always give us a cause to worry.  Let the dr. put your mind at ease.



Thanks Becky.
Yes, I have read your posts about your inflamation and the injections for it
The pain is at his sternum but it come and goes.  It does make him wince and "owwww".
I am worried Keep us posted. Our kids can worry the butter off our biscuits.
Hope all is well soon.

Question for you....

How is the school with all this?  Or a better question would be-how is the school handling it?  I have seen kids get the most support in the world, and others be treated like it is in their head.  OR that it is in the mom's head.  Drives me crazy.  Autoimmune issues tend to be hard for schools since it is often a "hidden" issue.  Especially in middle and high school since there are those kids that abuse the system as well.  Sometimes it is hard to know who to believe.  I have just transferred to a new school-closer to home and to my son's school when he starts next year.  I can honestly say I am very impressed with how they handle medical situations.  I have a girl who has been diagnosed with lyme disease.  She actually transferred to our school due to "issues" at her old one.   She has been hospitalized numerous times this year but is trying so hard to get through the year.  My administrator's spouse has RA and obviously I do too so I think people have a better understanding.
OK...I have been rambling.  Basically, all I am trying to say is that I hope you guys are getting the support you need.  Alright...back to folding the laundry I am currently sititng on. 
 I was back with my friend the chicken.
You know, I have heard some real horror stories but we have been really fortunate.  Elementary school was good because teachers are easy to talk with.  Middle school is when we got a 504 going as once you get into middle and high school it is a lot harder to talk with the teachers.  Only one teacher at the 504 meeting was a bit mean and challenged some of the things requested.  I think she just did not like the idea of having to worry about any special accommodations.  We were really blessed though that his counselor was a doll and she loved him and was behind him 100%.  She told him to come straight to her if he had any problems with anyone and she would take care of them.  She would check on him on the school yard and call me when he seemed unusually quiet or even call me and say "Hey, Oscar is looking good and seems to be feeling better than I have seen him in a while".  She gave him for the arthritis walk! I loved her!  We home schooled last year because he did not get into the school he wanted  and we thought we would give it a try since he has so many absences that his grades suffer.  It went really well because when he did'nt feel well he could do work here at his own pace.  He missed his friends terribly though.  So he is back to school this year.  High School.  So far they have been good.  They are not real accessible but they seem to want to make sure they are in compliance with his 504. 
Sounds like you are in a school that you are at.  Good for the kids and good for you too. 
I have heard some nightmare stories.  What grade are you teaching?
Right now 6-8 science.  7th grade is my fav. though.  It is life science, basically "baby biology".   I am surprised at what the kids are expected to know.  I was really frustrated at my previous school.  It was in a much tougher area-large amount of public housing.  But, I love the rougher kids.  However, there was very little administrative support.  The faculty was awesome-but very disheartened by the administration.  I began to really question how I felt about teaching and decided to switch schools.  Great move.
The 504 is a legal document so if you ever feel that something is not being followed-definitely speak up.  I have found the most teachers do honestly care about the kids but they just don't know the whole story.  That was a big complaint I had a few years ago.  The principal and head guidance counselor kept saying everything was a "need to know" basis.  We would know that something was up about a kid but we wouldn't be told anything.  I have had a parent call and tell me health info before the school.  Something is not right about that.  I even got on a kids case about missing assignments only to find out that his brother had committed suicide.  Um..hello...don't you think the administration could have passed that one on? that we have totally turned the thread around....I hope your son is feeling better.  Let us know what the dr. says.  Not only have I not finished folding laundry, but my two cats are sleeping on a pile of tests.  OH...and it is 11:45.  Fun Times
 gotta love the kitties.  They love to be right in the middle of "it"!
Thanks Becky, it was fun chatting with you.
I'll update tomorrow.

rocckyd.......give the tests to the dog...let him eat them!....laundry.....I'd hide it behind the couch.


ARGH...stop posting......I can't stop myself.  It is like some sick compulsion.  It would be nice to tell the kids that the dog ate the tests. 

I shouldn't complain-I only teach two days this week.  Wed. I have 3, yes 3 appointments, and my son has his recheck for the pneumonia.  Thurs. and Friday I am off to present at a science conference.  Nothing like a bunch of science teachers at a conference for a rocking good time :)
OK...night...I mean it.....sigh...who am I kidding?
HI Pam, does he have a cough, whenever I get chest pain on injectable MTX, my DR always checks me with XRAY for methotrexate lung, I think you can google that, something to do with what looks like little glass fragments on Xray and it is a valid condition.  It could just be his costochondritis which IMO I don't believe any drugs completely take the pain away.  Hope this might help you and I am so sorry about your son Pam.  I don't know if you are interested but perhaps he might like to chat with Liam who is 12 and going thru similar problems on the PM, just a thought.  Kind regards Janie. Hi Janie,
Thanks for your reply.  Today was a better day.  No chest pain.  I can't always know for sure because he sometimes likes to keep to himself about how he is feeling.  I think Babs may have been on the right track because he sounds like he is starting to come down with a little cold or something and when I picked his friend up for school this morning he said he had not felt great all weekend and that his chest did not hurt but was "tight".  I am waiting for my call too:)  I'm sure now she'll say just to watch him closely and get him to the Ped if he needs to be checked.   I will tell him about Liam.  Oscar is not big on email and posting or talking about his arthritis for that matter.  I'm sure though if Liam had anything he wanted to talk about or questions Oscar would be helpful.  He is a good kid just a typical teen
Wow, Becky that is the 3rd little one I have heard of having Pneumonia this past week.  I sure hope he is on the mend.  Hope you got the kitty of the test papers too