Hereditary RA | Arthritis Information


Turns out that one of my father's brothers had it.
lorrie2008-11-23 22:55:07Lorraine - I hope lots of other posters give us their background with RA in their family - I would love to see how strongly RA runs in one's family.  And it looks like it runs in your family :(  Well, it will be good info for your family to pass on to their children, and to their children, so this problem of not being believed by the medical doctors so our DMARDS aren't gotten on right away can start to be solved.  (I honestly cannot believe this happens so much to new RA patients, when the push is to be aggressive early with the DMARDS).  I am awaiting another email from my new ____________ as she had a bad foot flare over the weekend.  Amazing.  When I was diagnosed in 1990 my Mom and Dad both said that RA didnt run in their families.  However my fathers sister has had "rheumatism" almost all of her life, she is constantly in pain and had a hip replacement a few years ago so I always wonder if she doesnt maybe have RA.  When my Mom died I found out from my uncle that my grandmother had RA and I also have diabetes to maybe look forward to.  So it seems that RA does in fact run in our family however my brother does not have it yet and I hope he never does.  My Dad had RA, and my younger sister does as well. All three of us had exactly the same onset (horrible shoulder pain out of the blue, followed shortly thereafter by crippling pain and inflammation everywhere). Unfortunately for my Dad, there were no biologics in his day, and he was totally disabled by the disease. My sister takes Enbrel and I take Humira, and both of us are leading fairly normal lives. My Dad was afflicted in his 60's, my sister in her late 30's (a couple of weeks after she had her first child), and I was hit at 47. I went into a 10 year remission once I started taking Plaquenil, but it quit working three years ago. MTX was totaly ineffective, but thankfully, Humira has worked great (so far).
( Im meant to be in bed snoring my head off but.....lolol)
There is absolutely no history of any AI disease within my immediate family which includes grandparents/aunts and uncles/cousins/siblings. And that is around 100 years given all grandparents would be that age or older if living.  Even cancer is rare, heart problems a different story.
I actually feel special about now!!! LOLOLOL...... there is nothing like setting a precedent.AS I mentioned in the other thread I found out a great grand aunt and a 3rd cousin both had/have RA.  However I don't think the connection is close enough to be signifient.  NO first degree or second degree relatives have the disease nor do any of them have an auto immune condition as far as I know
My maternal Grandmother had RA. When I found out I had it I was so scared I would be bedridden like her. The meds have come a LONG way.Responded to earlier thread - re-posting to this one.  These are the only two I'm aware of, but we aren't a particulary close family, so could be more.
Uncle had RA (dad's side)
Cousin has psorias (sp) arthritis (mom's side)
My mother and her three sisters all had RA (one with RA and Lupus). My maternal grandfather had RA. My father had RA. I am only surprised that I'm the only one to show up with it in my generation.This is a really interesting thread.  Thanks to all the posters.  My mother held herself so tight, I can still see her hands collapsed together so tight the knuckles turned white.  I am the same way, I cannot relax my muscles easily.  I think she had something, but I will now never know.  I am waiting impatiently for a new update from my new ____________.  Hope they have lots of money - JUST KIDDING ~~ Take care ~~ CathyI just found out after asking around that my first cousin Larry has it. He's in his late 50's. He just found about the same time as I did.  His mom had psorasis (sp?). I remember seeing her elbows and knees just covered in it. My mum would probably kill me...but I know her biological parents last name and roughly where they are located or family is located. There were something like 10 or 11 sibling born to her biological mother. How do I investigate ? where do I start? Mother is now turning 80 and living in fla. She wouldnt have to know if I snooped around , would she?