Medical alert bracelets | Arthritis Information


Do you use med alert tags? I am on 10 meds and even my husband can't remember all of them. Starting to wonder if it would be a good idea for me, but I feel like it labels me as a "sick" person which bugs me - even though it's true!

I got one soon after my RA dx.  I considered that I might not be in condition to inform emergency personnel what meds I'm on, e.g. car accident.  Our meds are so toxic and react with other things that they'd really need to know.  Or, another way to look at it is that they'd need to know what I'm on to keep treating me.  I think that's more important than other people's perception of my health.  However, you might find solice in knowing that when people do ask about it, they want to know what my allergy is?  :)

I'm a big advocate for them!!
Joy2008-11-10 20:22:07Laker,

I too have worn a Medic Alert bracelet since my diagnosis.  The bracelets they have now are quite nice and look like a piece of jewelry.  I thinks its the smart thing to do.  I also keep in my wallet, a list of all my meds along with the prescribed dosages and the Dr's phone  number.  I also given my hubby a copy to keep in his wallet in case he has to speak for me or fill out forms.

It is a smart idea and they have some nice looking jewelry, but it's one of those things I just haven't done yet.  I do keep a wallet card which includes:
who I am
allergies (I'm allergic to Benadryl!)
my major conditions
my meds (including dosage, frequency, and what they're each for), including supplements
my insurance company/ID number
my emergency contacts
that I have a living will and do not wish extraordinary measures to be taken
OK, so it's not so much a card as a short novel, but I have it folded so the most important info is on the top.
BTW, don't forget to program ICE (in case of emergency) info into your phone/PDA/other devices.  Mine even says I have a wallet card.
I have a med alert bracelet that I have engraved with "see med list in wallet" since my meds and dosages are everchanging. I got a cute one at the hospital gift shop and they sell different types of beaded bracelets that are interchangeable for it.My wife bought me a MedicAlert bracelet right after being diagnosed.  At the time I was traveling a lot for work and my wife was concerned that with all the the meds (especially the immunosuppressants) I was on that if I was in an accident and incapacitated that I could be in big trouble if I couldn't let the EMT's or physicians know.  It has brought a certain peice of mind to my wife and I knowing that in an emergency they can find out exactly what conditions I have, frequency and dosages of each med, physicians name's and contact info, insurance info, etc.,. My RD made me get one when I was taking large doses of pred, 90mg+.  This was due to the fact that if I was in an accident, I would have gone into shock much more quickly.  I don't wear it anymore but I had a really pretty one. My husband has one because of his cardiac condition and all his medications.  It's a pendant on a chain, not a bracelet.

Edit to add: maybe I should get one that states that I require at least 1 Coke per day